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Alaa Thabet is an Egyptian journalist and currently the editor-in-chief of the Al-Ahram newspaper and a member of the Board of Directors of the Al-Ahram Foundation[1]

Alaa Thabet
Alaa Thabet
Born12 December 1965
EducationAl-Azhar University, Cairo

Academic life


He graduated from the Faculty of Economics and Political Science at Cairo University in 1992. He received the Diploma of Advanced Studies in the United States of America in 2006 on journalism and editorial administration. And participated in a number of important conferences around the world, including in Canada, Turkey, America, Japan, the UAE and other countries.

His career


After graduating, he worked as a journalist for Al-Nour newspaper in 1988. He was a journalist for Al-Watan newspaper in Cairo in 1989. He was a journalist for the Cairo bureau in 1990. He was a journalist and education correspondent for the Gulf newspaper of Kuwait and Al-Qabas in 1991. He was a journalist in 1991, and was a participant in the strategic report of Al-Ahram for many years, Al-Ahram strategic booklets, head of the education department and supervisor of readers' mail in Al-Ahram Evening newspaper in 1994, Al-Ahram Evening in 2004, And Assistant Editor-in-Chief of Al-Ahram Evening in 2007. He was the editor-in-chief of Al-Ahram Evening in the period from April 2011 to August 2012, and from 28 June 2014 until 31 May 2017.

Syndicate work

During a lecture titled "Professional and Ethical Standards in Journalism" at Benha University

For eight years, he was a member of the Council through two sessions. He served as Deputy Press Syndicate, Chairman of the Disciplinary Board and member of the Registration Committee. He presented a successful period in trade union work. He chaired several committees: Housing, Pensions, Culture and other activities[2][3]

National Press Agency


He was elected as a member of the National Press Agency, where Oath at the Parliament of Egypt April 11, 2017, and was the first statement that his choice of a new mandate from the state,[4] and was signed by the Egyptian President Abdel Fattah Sisi, He resigned from the National Press Commission on 31 May 2017 after being selected in the recent press changes of the boards of directors and editors of the national newspapers.[5]

His works


He contributed many contributions to the writing of children presented to the Egyptian television over the years, including his participation in writing a script series stories of the prophets in the Quran, and directed by Dr. Zeinab Zamzam dealt with many aspects of humanity in the lives of prophets and messengers, and presented a different model in dealing with human relations established by the Prophet Mohammed,A series of films that led to the award of the Cairo Radio and Television Festival, three international awards from India, the Beijing Festival Award and the Interfaith Dialogue Center in Texas. In continuation of the success of the first series, a new series entitled "Missionaries in Paradise" And the positions of Abu Bakr al-Siddiq, Omar ibn al-Khattab, Uthman ibn Affan, Ali bin Abi Talib, Saad ibn Abi Waqas .. and others, by simplifying and depth suits the children.

He finished writing screenplay for the animated film "Prophet of Mercy" in 2015, which did not see the light for productive reasons, The film deals with the human aspect in the life of the Holy Prophet, in the framework of efforts to correct misconceptions about the Prophet in particular and the Islamic religion in general, and address the minds of adults and children.

He published several publications, including the book «Higher Education in Egypt»[6] in which he reviewed the policies of higher education in Egypt and put his experiences in the field of education has been honored in this regard from more than one, including the University of Ain Shams in 1997 for its activity in the cause of literacy. In addition to several books published by the Center for Political and Strategic Studies in Al-Ahram, including the book «Ministry of Higher Education», which is part of the series of examination of institutional and functional development of the Egyptian ministries, where the book examines the dilemma of how to create a flexible centralization that allows to respond to the variables of civil society and interact positively with external variables At the same time, it allows its core functions to be built as a society characterized by resource scarcity, poor consumption and poverty,The aim of this series is to open a broad dialogue between the forces of society in order to establish a correct mechanism for the formulation of public policies in Egypt.


In the historical visit of Pope Taoudaros Pope of Alexandria and Patriarch of the preaching of the Al-Ahram newspaper

Alaa Thabet presented several lectures in a number of Egyptian and Arab universities,[7][8][9][10][11][12] including a lecture titled "The Future of Paper Press in the Arab World" organized by the King Faisal Center for Research and Islamic Studies in Saudi Arabia on 22 October 2018, where he stressed that any modern media means do not lead to the extinction of means The oldest of which is the electronic press. The press does not cancel the paper press, as it presented a set of solutions to preserve the paper press and the digital press. The paper press tended to diversify its media activities. While maintaining the independent personality of the electronic newspapers, which have developed to be news, media and entertainment gateways with an independent personality. In addition to the training and development of editors to deal with the data and requirements of the digital age with all its modern tools, and to make room for investigative and analytical journalism and reporting so that the paper press to the depth press and deal with the digital in a manner suited to the rapid pace that characterizes it, and attention to what the public wants a variety of topics,And interact with readers.[13][14][15]

Astana Political Platform is a committee emanating from the meetings of the Astana Platform for Political Solution in Syria. The committee was formed by participants in the two Syrian opposition conferences held in the Kazakh capital Astana in May and October of 2015 with the support of the Kazakh government and the supervision of the Movement of the Pluralistic Society.

The Inception

  • April 9, 2015: The idea of ​​the Astana platform began as a personal initiative by political writer Randa Kassis, where she made a call from Moscow and during the meeting of all members of the Moscow platform to President Nursultan Nazarbayev to receive Syrian opposition from all directions to reach understandings can be good ground for all countries, Kazakhstan has good relations with all the countries in the region, which enhances attempts to find a political solution in Syria.[16][17]
  • April 21, 2015: Kazakh President Nursultan Nazarbayev responds to his foreign minister. And update the last April to receive your leadership from opponents in the preparations of the "Astana platform"[18]
  • May 1, 2015: Azerbaijani Foreign Minister Erlan Idrisov and political leader Randa Kassis, Head of the movement of the society, have set up a platform to assemble Syrian dissidents in the Kazakh capital Astana.[19]
  • 21 May 2015: Foreign Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Erlan Idrisov, announced that negotiations between the Syrian opposition factions will take place in the Kazakh capital, Astana, next week, on the sidelines of the Economic Forum.[20]
  • 26 May 2015: (the first day of the Astana political platform talks) Randa Qassis, president of the Syrian opposition pluralistic society movement, said from Astana that the humanitarian dossier and humanitarian assistance that Kazakhstan could provide to four regions, the area under the control of the regime, has been addressed The north and the south are beyond the control of the regime and the Autonomous region.[21]
  • 27 May 2015: The final statement of the consultations on the Syrian crisis:

    "The meeting in Astana (27/26/25 May), with the gracious patronage of the Kazakh government, declares that a political solution is the foundation and prelude to any possible solution that would save the country and the people from this tragedy. It is clear that this conflict cannot be resolved by any of the armed parties, and it is necessary to sit at the negotiating table to find the political foundations for a comprehensive national peace. The bias for a political solution--negotiation--is the result of a firm conviction by the two communities that all Syrians want to save their country. " "The participants in the Astana-Chwari dialogue on the settlement of the Syrian crisis unanimously agreed to attend the Astana II," said Randa Kassis, head of the Syrian "Pluralistic society" movement, and acknowledged the majority of the Astana declaration.[22][23][24]

  • September 24, 2015: Randa Kassis, head of the Syrian Pluralistic Society movement and supervisor of the Astana track for political solution, participated in the meeting of the Council of Elders at the table of President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Sultan Nizar Bibaev, in the Kazakh capital, where she presented an extensive presentation of the new Syrian dossier Urgent and comprehensive of the Syrian crisis that was discussed at length.[25][26][27]
  • 2 October 2015 conference/"Astana-2 " For the Syrian opposition: The conference began with a speech delivered by the State Secretary of the Republic of Kazakhstan Gulshar Abdeskalkova, who welcomed the attendees and stressed that Kazakhstan "supports all initiatives aimed at promoting peace." "The humanitarian crisis in Syria is one of the most serious crises in the world," she said, "Kazakhstan is striving to help the Syrian people" and supports all moves in this regard. [28][29]
  • About a year after the meeting of some Syrian opposition figures in the Kazakh capital, at the initiative of Syrian politician and writer Randa Qassis, no one expected at the time, Astana would become the station on the road to stop fighting in Syria, where a priest confirmed at the second meeting held on 16 February 2017 that Kazakhstan can pave the way not only for a dialogue between the military, whether by the Syrian government or by the armed opposition, in addition to the fact that Kazakhstan has an active role to play in paving the road for a good Geneva. At the same meeting, Alexander Laferneev, head of the Russian delegation, said he hoped that the adoption of the documents prepared here would allow the cessation of fighting in Syria to be the key to success in making progress on the Syrian settlement path and launching a comprehensive Syrian dialogue. The recommendations of the meeting came in light of the Russian-led criticism of UN envoy Stefan Demestora, which may become the role of the Geneva legislature to legislate what is being achieved outside the country in Syria.[30]

Participation of the Astana platform in the Geneva 2016 talks


The Astana political platform participated in the Geneva talks with the Moscow platform and Cairo as part of one delegation after being invited by UN envoy for Syria Staffan de Mistura.[31][32]

Exclusion of the Astana platform in Geneva 4


23 February3 March 2017: The Astana platform was ruled out by Mr. Demastura in Geneva 4 under the pretext that France is represented in its foreign minister, has put Vito on the Astana platform as well as Qatar

In a meeting with the politician and writer Randa Kassis, president of the Astana policy platform with the Russia Today channel, she commented: It is how Mr. Demastura, the UN international envoy, can respond to this veto, knowing that the Astana platform, the podium that paved the Astana military course, confirmed a priest at the same meeting There have been attempts by the United Nations international envoy to erase the Astana platform as if it had not existed, knowing that Demastora himself called the podium and its president last year in the "Geneva 3 " Negotiations, it is worth mentioning that not only the Astana platform was excluded but also Kurds and a large number of Syrian dissidents.[33]

Astana Platform Initiative for the establishment of a Syrian constitutional Commission[34]


March 29, 2017: The Astana platform of the Syrian opposition has delivered its conception of the Syrian Constitution at a podium meeting chaired by Randa Kassis, Russian Deputy foreign Minister Gadi Gtelov.

The salient points are as follows:

  • The form and system of government in Syria should be a parliamentary republic, with expanded decentralization as its basis.
  • Separating religion from the state.
  • The need for Syrians to deepen the principle of constitutional civic life requires the adoption of a fifth civil status in the Personal Status law, this fifth civil case allows Syrian citizens after the age of 18 to choose the situation they want in marriage and other personal transactions.
  • The adoption of the Kurdish and Syriac languages as an official language alongside Arabic in the Syrian region.
  • The future Syrian Constitution guarantees the rights of all Syrian women by strengthening their role and status in society in a clear and visible way.
  • Separation of the three powers.
  • The Constitution should guarantee a fair distribution of wealth and resources in the Syrian state.
  • Compulsory education in Syria up to the age of 18 years.
  • The future Syrian Constitution should recognize the national rights of all Syrian components.
  • The Constitution guarantees the effective and genuine involvement of displaced Syrians, expatriates and displaced persons in political and economic life.
  • Every Syrian who holds a Syrian nationality after 10 years is entitled to run for the office of President and Member of Parliament.

Category:Living people


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