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User:Sandra Walden

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Hello. I would firstly like to say that I am not Sandra Walden, nor do I know a Sandra Walden in real life. I would also like to add that I am writing this out of pure procrastination and the fact that I have been inspired by a friend, mutual, comrade, acquaintance, whatever you want. So, here's my wikipedia user page, or whatever you'd like.

I am writing this section just to direct you to the next chapter or section or whatever. I am sorry to inform you that this page is not a user profile, but in fact a dumb Wikipedia I have created entirely for the purpose of slander. Slander, as in the slang term meaning to diss or make fun of a certain concept. Whether what I say is actually true or not, I honestly have no idea.

(Edit: This is me, from the both the present and the future. I have made some edits to this page, and have decided that this will be, in fact, a user page—though mostly just to dump on stupid things I have going on in my writing life. So, it'll be a user page, but mostly dedicated to writing issues. Also, I have put my old writing in italics [in this section only unless stated otherwise] so you can see where my opinions have changed. Not much, as I am a boring person.])

Alright, carry along now.

P.S. I would also like to mention that I am writing all of these things out of order, so if you see an unfinished article, I probably skipped it, worked on something else, and forgot about it. I apologize in advance. I will also list notes like "[ unfinished ]" or "[ paused for now ]" so that you'll understand if the article you're reading has been half written and then given up on, or just paused until I gained inspiration. Read them at your own risk.



Let's start with the thing that this user page was originally going to be about:

Novemberegcism: a great topic that many are not aware of.

Before I begin this, I would solely like to state that all of my sources are of my own, as this is a topic that has to do with two novel/book/text things that have been privately written. You will not understand anything I am talking about (unless you are multiple people in particular) which is the fun part of this.



During the span of this month, I have noticed that I have developed a style in my writing where I include unnecessary filler words to increase my writing amount. This includes adding random words like "like" "that" "as" etc. —all that stuff, basically (I honestly can't name any specifically, it just happens) along with splitting contractions like don't, can't, isn't, etc. I also have developed the habit of writing a sentence, then adding a commo and one word. Like this: It was peculiar, though.

This is a habit that I *really* hope to break in the future, as it's kind of annoying. Also, it makes me sound like some old-timey person, because I have started the custom of speaking in As you may have seen, I was doing it there (not on purpose, obviously. [Crud, I did it again.])

My Other Writing Troubles


Since we are on the topic of writing troubles, I am now dedicating an entire section to it. In this section, you will likely see me talking about things I do in my writing that have been even featured in this page. Let's carry along.

Brain Malfunctions


This is an overreaction. I really hope that you did not believe otherwise.



I would firstly like to say that I have a love-hate relationship with this little thing called "grammar." I like grammar, yes, because I have been taught it my entire life and I like when things look neat and what is considered "correct." I do not like grammar because it is annoying and has stupid rules. But when people do not follow these rules, it also bothers me. I guess you could call this a paradox, but I don't even know what the word for it is. You can read more about that in the "Indecisiveness" section.



This smaller section has been split into two even smaller sections, as caused by my indecisiveness (how ironic, except it's not irony because I've been using irony wrong my entire life). Alright, so, this section is split into two parts, like mentioned before. "Random Bursts of Ideas" and "Words", both of which are extremely bothersome to deal with, but also cool because they're useful (I just wish my brain was more organized). I also will be dedicating and entire section to this; you'll see it farther down.

Random Bursts of Ideas


This is not really indecisiveness, per se, but I do not care.



This section is partly related to "brain malfunctions", but that is not always the case.

I like words, and I hate words. While you can consider this a similar relationship that I have with grammar, I really don't know what to say.

Which leads us to...

Thesaurus, Dictionary, and other useful writing things


As you might have remembered, I said that I was dedicating an entire new section to my indecisiveness, so that's what we're going to do next.



If you somehow did not catch on to it, I am extremely indecisive and unorganized. This entire user page is unorganized. Most of these sections you've seen have no been written from start to end, but rather end first and then filling in the little details later. This is because I think of ideas faster than I can work on one specific thing. This is probably why I procrastinate so much.

A lot of the time, I wrote the end of a section so that it'd lead to a new one specifically because I felt like it and would rather work on a new section than getting what I should have gotten done.

This is a problem and I should probably do something about it. But that's too bad. Because we're not doing that.

Organization has two meanings. Not definition wise (though it probably does—I'm not checking), but rather what it's going to mean in this article. First of all: my brain, which is not organized, and second of all: organization of things in general.