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Coordinates: 43°46′24.25″N 11°15′9.68″E / 43.7734028°N 11.2526889°E / 43.7734028; 11.2526889
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43°46′24.25″N 11°15′9.68″E / 43.7734028°N 11.2526889°E / 43.7734028; 11.2526889

Auditorium al Duomo
AddressVia de’ Cerretani 54/r, Firenze
ArchitectPaolo Del Bianco

The Auditorium al Duomo is a space for public performances in Florence. The main entrance is in the central via de' Cerretani, the back entrance is placed in via dell’Alloro, inside the Hotel Laurus al Duomo complex.

Auditorium al Duomo, main entrance



Part of the building of the Auditorium al Duomo and Hotel Laurus al Duomo was once the Oratory of the Pizzicagnoli religious Company [1], bound by 1345 to the societas beati Bartolomei, of which St. Bartholomew was the patron [2]. In via dell’Alloro, at number 3, still today are visibile the traces of the ancient portal, with a bust of the saint. The façade facing on Via de’ Cerretani was built in the 1880s.

Auditorium al Duomo, Front

In 1931 part of the building is adapted to become a cinema “Educativo Morale”, managed by the Fathers of Santa Maria Maggiore. The cinema changes its name few times: Cinema Dante, Cinema Mignon after World War One, and finally Astra 1.

In 1962 the Astra-Cerretani company is allowed to demolish and rebuild entirely the cinema. The company also obtains a special permission to improve the capacity for the public. This special permission is later revoked because of the protests of the other competing cinemas. The permit is granted once again in 1975, for a total capacity of 345 seats. After many vicissitudes, mainly connected to the building permits, and after many delays, the project is finally approved in 1982 to prevent further decay of the structure and to create a wide space for public collective use.

The use as a cinema hall is maintained, despite the bureaucratic difficulties and despite the general trend to transform cinemas into more lucrative buildings and activities: residential and tertiary sector [3]

Auditorium al Duomo, courtyard before restoration.

In 1988 the building, owned by Carlo Dolci, is acquired by Comi and restored according to a project by Lisindo Baldassini. In 2003, once again against the general trend and the commercial temptations, the building is reconfirmed for public collective use to host events, performances, shows, concerts, cultural exchanges.

After a new restoration, the Auditorium al Duomo is formally opened in May 5, 2006. In September 2011 the Amphitheatre Hall was formally entitled to Andrzej Tomaszewski, with a special ceremony attended by most local authorities.

Auditorium al Duomo, back



The Auditorium al Duomo is a well equipped location for public events. The main entrance in via de’Cerretani is the same of Hotel Laurus al Duomo. At the entrance the visitor can find two Carrara marble busts by Dino De Ranieri, representing visionary creator Leonardo da Vinci and the observer of the heavens Galileo Galilei.

The structure can host about 500 people and is divided into two connected areas, accessible from the reception-foyer. The Vasari Hall and the Amphitheatre Hall Andrzej Tomaszewski. The Amphitheatre Andrzej Tomaszewski is located at the first floor. It is the main hall, has a capacity of 300 people and a higher stage. The Vasari Hall, at the round floor, can host 160 people and can be organized in three sub-sectors ready for shows and catering services : Michelangelo hall, Brunelleschi, Donatello e Giotto. The dressing rooms and lounges for the artists are located in the basement.

Cultural activity and events


The Auditorium al Duomo is the headquarter of the Romualdo Del Bianco Foundation, to which it is deeply connected. Is also hosts the ICOMOS Italian National Committee for Central Italy, the Youth Section of the ICOMOS Italian National Committee, the ISC ICOMOS Theophilos and ISC ICOMOS Mural paintings, the International Traditional Knowledge Institute (ITKI), Life Beyond Tourism, and 90 days for Intercultural Dialogue with Life Beyond Tourism, an initiative formally recognized by UNESCO.

Since 2006, the Auditorium al Duomo is deeply rooted into the cultural Florence panorama, as a special location to promote dialogue among cultures with a geographical focus on Eurasia (but not only). The Auditorium al Duomo has hosted conferences and international meetings, cultural events, shows, courses and competitions, art exhibits, fashion shows, theatre performances and music. Among the most famous guests, the Auditorium al Duomo hosted performances by:


  1. ^ Piero Bargellini, Ennio Guarnirei, Le strade di Firenze, Firenze, Bonechi editore, 1980, sub” Alloro
  2. ^ Anna Benvenuti, Il sovramondo delle arti fiorentine. Tra i santi delle corporazioni, in Arti fiorentine. La grande storia dell’artigianato, vol I, Il Medioevo, Firenze, 1998, p. 16.
  3. ^ AA.VV., L’architettura in Toscana dal 1945 a oggi, Alinea, Firenze, 2011, p. 30.
  4. ^ Maestro Rostropovich Masterclass Firenze
  5. ^ Orchestra Haydn Orchester


  • Franco Cesati, La grande guida delle strade di Firenze, Newton, Roma, 2003.
  • Piero Bargellini, Ennio Guarnirei, Le strade di Firenze, Firenze, Bonechi editore, 1980.
  • Anna Benvenuti, Il sovramondo delle arti fiorentine. Tra i santi delle corporazioni, in Arti fiorentine. La grande storia dell’artigianato, vol I, Il Medioevo, Firenze, 1998, p. 16.
  • AA.VV., L’architettura in Toscana dal 1945 a oggi, Alinea, Firenze, 2011.

See also
