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[1] [2] Jan 13th 2005 The economist http://www.thehindubusinessline.com/2004/12/14/stories/2004121402420400.htm

Passage is a 2007 Memento mori game created by Jason Rohrer for Linux, Windows XP, Apple Macintosh and the iPhone. It debuted at Kokoromi's Gamma256 event.



The game lasts only 5 minutes, and has a play surface of only 100x12 Pixels.[1]

General information

Minimum Sale Age Minimum Use Age Vending machines sale legal Minimum Number of cigarettes per package Free samples legal
Albania No No
Andorra No No
Armenia 18 No
Austria 16 Yes
Australia Depends
Azerbaijan 18 No Yes
Belarus 18 Yes
Belgium 16 Yes
Bosnia and Herzegovina 18 No
Canada 18 (19 in some jurisdictions)
Chile 18
Colombia 15/18
Cook Islands 15
Costa Rica 18
Croatia 18 Yes
Cuba 16
Cyprus 18 ?
Czech Republic 18 No
Denmark 18 special stamps required for pack not containing 10 or 20 cigarettes
Dominican Republic 18
Ecuador 18
El Salvador 18
Estonia 18 Yes
Finland 18 No
France 16 Yes
Georgia 18 Yes
Germany 16 18?
Greece No No
Honduras 18
Hungary 18 No
Iceland 18 No Yes
India 18
Ireland 18 Yes
Israel Yes
Italy 16 Yes
Japan 20
Kazakhstan 18 No Yes
Kyrgyzstan 18 No
Latvia 18 No No
Lithuania 18 Yes
Luxembourg 16?
Macedonia 16
Maldives 16
Malta 16 No
Mauritius 16 16
Moldova 18 Yes
Montenegro 18 Yes
Nauru 16
Netherlands 16
New Zealand 18 No
Nicaragua 18
Norway 18 No
Pakistan 18?
Palau 16 No
Papua New Guinea 18
Philippines 18
Poland 18 Yes
Portugal 16 16 Yes
Republic of Korea 19
Romania 18 Yes
Russia 18 Yes
Saudi Arabia Tobacco Sale Banned
Serbia 18 No
Slovakia 18 Yes
Slovenia 15 No
Solomon Islands 18
Spain 18 18
Sweden 18
Syria 18
Taiwan 18
Thailand 18
Tonga 18 restricted to areas inaccessible to minors
Trinidad and Tobago 16
Tunisia No
Turkey 18
Ukraine 18
United Arab Emirates 18
United Kingdom 18
United States of America Depends
Vietnam 16 No

