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A small excerp of my theory on evolution.

Early Sketch of the Kneeless Dolphin

Kneeless Dolphin, is an urban legend originating from students of Vanderbilt University which states that dolphins with kneeless legs were the origin of all other species on Earth; thus being the origin evolution. This urban legend is a myth and is to be understood that this article is to be used solely to acknowledge the fact that such a myth exists.

Origins of the Myth


The knee is a primitive structure. Parts of the knee such as the Patella inflicts complications for millions of Americans each year. [1] Debating over the origins and the utility of the knee, several students came to question the necessity of the knee. After several hours of intense physical stress, such as sports, the knees can easily become worn-out and cause severe pain due to the inevitable friction caused by moving parts. Having played basketball and racquetball for several hours, the students were suffering from stiff knees while walking back to their dorms. This is when one student suggested that knees should have been evolutionarily eliminated. Knowing that dolphins are one of the most intelligent animals on Earth, the student suggested that they were the origin of all other living organisms. However, these prehistoric dolphins had several differences from the species we know of today; that is that they had legs, but only without knees. Without the knees, the dolphins would have had no complications with their leg. However, being a water-bound animal, their use of legs was very limited. Therefore the legs slowly became smaller and weaker until it disappeared completely.

Multiple Appendages


As the saying goes, two heads are better than one. Of course, this could go double for arms. New addition to the urban legend has it that the Kneeless Dolphins had six or more arms. Having several arms could increase productivity several folds. Unfortunately, being water-bound creatures, arms became unnecessary; and thus came to be replaced by fins. Although fins replaced arms in sea-creatures, land-based descendents kept arms to suit their needs on land. However, through lack of coordination and complications, the number of arms dwindled to only two for most species. However, the theory states that in the future, species will evolve to have more arms; especially humans, to fit their busy life-styles.

See also


