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User:Sam Derbyshire/Weierstrass-Enneper parametrization

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In mathematics, the Weierstrass–Enneper parameterization of minimal surfaces is a classical piece of differential geometry.

Alfred Enneper and Karl Weierstrass studied minimal surfaces as far back as 1863.

Let ƒ and g be functions on either the entire complex plane or the unit disk, where g is meromorphic and ƒ is analytic, such that wherever g has a pole of order m, f has a zero of order 2m (or equivalently, such that the product ƒg2 is holomorphic), and let c1, c2, c3 be constants. Then the surface with coordinates (x1,x2,x3) is minimal, where the xk are defined using the real part of a complex integral, as follows:

The converse is also true: every nonplanar minimal surface defined over a simply connected domain can be given a parametrization of this type.[1]

To explain why this works, remember than given the Gauss map ν of our surface M to the sphere S2, we can consider the composite map , where π is just the stereographic projection. We can then consider the map obtained by taking a point in to the corresponding point on M and then applying G. The surface M is then minimal if and only if is conformal (holomorphic).

It is in fact possible to explicitly write out G for a minimal surface, and we obtain . This allows us to find x1, x2 and x3 by integrating, and we get that . This is totally analoguous to the previous formula where we can just see dx3 as fgdz and G as g, and we obtain the same formula. dx3 is often written as dh, and called the height differential.

This method allows us to give parametrizations for many minimal surfaces: [2]

Enneper surface: G = z, dh = z dz

Catenoid: G = z, dh = dz/z

Helicoid: G = z, dh = i dz/z

k-noid: G = zk-1, dh = (zk + z-k -2)-1 dz/z

This is also the method that lead to the construction of Costa's minimal surface and Riemann's minimal surface, using the Weierstrass p function.


  1. ^ Dierkes, U., Hildebrandt, S., Küster, A., Wohlrab, O. Minimal surfaces, vol. I, p. 108. Springer 1992. ISBN 3540531696
  2. ^ Introduction to the Complex Analysis of Minimal Surfaces, Hermann Karcher

Category:Differential geometry Category:surfaces