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User:Sam Blacketer/Feb 1974 Parliament

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Category:UK MPs 1974 as it should be.


  • Leo Abse
  • Robert Adley
  • Jonathan Aitken
  • Michael Alison
  • James Allason
  • Frank Allaun
  • Julian Amery, Baron Amery of Lustleigh
  • Michael Ancram
  • Jeffrey Archer
  • Peter Archer, Baron Archer of Sandwell
  • Ernest Armstrong
  • Jack Ashley, Baron Ashley of Stoke
  • Joseph Ashton (politician)
  • Ronald Atkins
  • Humphrey Atkins
  • Norman Atkinson
  • Daniel Awdry


  • Gordon Bagier
  • Kenneth Baker, Baron Baker of Dorking
  • Robert Lindsay, 29th Earl of Crawford
  • Robert Banks (UK politician)
  • Anthony Barber, Baron Barber
  • Guy Barnett (UK politician)
  • Joel Barnett, Baron Barnett
  • Alfred Bates
  • William Baxter (MP)
  • Alan Beith
  • Ronald Bell (UK politician)
  • Tony Benn
  • Andrew Bennett
  • Frederic Bennett
  • Reginald Bennett
  • William Benyon
  • Anthony Berry
  • Syd Bidwell
  • John Biffen
  • John Biggs-Davison
  • Edward Bishop, Baron Bishopston
  • Peter Blaker, Baron Blaker
  • Arthur Blenkinsop
  • Harold Boardman
  • Tom Boardman, Baron Boardman
  • Richard Body
  • Albert Booth
  • Betty Boothroyd
  • Robert Boscawen
  • Arthur Bottomley
  • Andrew Bowden
  • James Boyden
  • Rhodes Boyson
  • Robert Bradford (Ulster Unionist politician)
  • Tom Bradley (UK politician)
  • Bernard Braine
  • Jeremy Bray
  • John Brewis
  • Leon Brittan
  • Christopher Brocklebank-Fowler
  • Alfred Broughton
  • Edward Brown (UK politician)
  • Hugh Brown (British politician)
  • Robert Brown (English politician)
  • Ronald Brown (English politician)
  • Jock Bruce-Gardyne
  • Paul Bryan
  • Norman Buchan
  • Richard Buchanan
  • Alick Buchanan-Smith

B cont.

  • Philip Antony Fyson Buck
  • Nicholas Budgen
  • Esmond Bulmer
  • Frederick Burden
  • Adam Butler (British politician)
  • Joyce Butler


  • James Callaghan
  • James Callaghan (Lancashire politician)
  • Ian Campbell (Scottish politician)
  • Robert Cant
  • Mark Carlisle
  • Neil Carmichael, Baron Carmichael of Kelvingrove
  • Robert Carr
  • John Carson (politician)
  • Raymond Carter
  • Lewis Carter-Jones
  • Barbara Castle
  • Lynda Chalker
  • Paul Channon, Baron Kelvedon
  • Christopher Chataway
  • Winston Churchill (grandson)
  • Alan Clark
  • William Clark, Baron Clark of Kempston
  • Kenneth Clarke
  • Walter Clegg
  • Ivor Clemitson
  • Stanley Clinton Davis, Baron Clinton-Davis
  • John Cockroft (politician)
  • Michael Cocks
  • Stanley Cohen (politician)
  • Donald Coleman
  • Maureen Colquhoun
  • Don Concannon
  • Bernard Conlan
  • Robin Cook
  • Robert Cooke (politician)
  • John Cope, Baron Cope of Berkeley
  • John Cordle
  • Patrick Cormack
  • John Corrie
  • Albert Costain
  • Tom Cox
  • William Craig (politician)
  • James Craigen
  • Richard Crawshaw
  • Julian Critchley
  • John Desmond Cronin
  • Anthony Crosland
  • David Crouch
  • Petre Crowder
  • Bob Cryer
  • George Cunningham
  • Jack Cunningham


  • Tam Dalyell
  • Arthur Davidson (politician)
  • Bryan Davies, Baron Davies of Oldham
  • Denzil Davies
  • Ifor Davies
  • John Davies (businessman)
  • James d'Avigdor-Goldsmid
  • Eric Deakins
  • Joseph Dean, Baron Dean of Beswick
  • Paul Dean, Baron Dean of Harptree
  • Bill Deedes
  • Geoffrey de Freitas
  • Hugh Delargy
  • Edmund Dell

D cont.

  • James Dempsey
  • Piers Dixon
  • Douglas Dodds-Parker
  • Geoffrey Dodsworth
  • Peter Doig (politician)
  • Jack Dormand
  • Alec Douglas-Home
  • Bruce Douglas-Mann
  • Burnaby Drayson
  • Edward du Cann
  • Patrick Duffy (UK politician)
  • John Dunlop (Unionist politician)
  • James Dunn (UK politician)
  • Jack Dunnett
  • Gwyneth Dunwoody
  • Tony Durant
  • Hugh Dykes, Baron Dykes


  • Alex Eadie
  • Maurice Edelman
  • John Eden, Baron Eden of Winton
  • Geoffrey Edge
  • Nicholas Edwards, Baron Crickhowell
  • Robert Edwards (politician)
  • William Elliott, Baron Elliott of Morpeth
  • John Ellis (UK politician)
  • Tom Ellis (politician)
  • Elwyn Jones, Baron Elwyn-Jones
  • Peter Emery
  • Michael English (UK politician)
  • David Ennals, Baron Ennals
  • Alfred Evans
  • Ioan Evans
  • John Evans, Baron Evans of Parkside
  • Harry Ewing, Baron Ewing of Kirkford
  • Winnie Ewing
  • Reginald Eyre


  • Russell Fairgrieve
  • John Farr
  • Andrew Faulds
  • Anthony Fell (politician)
  • Peggy Fenner
  • Ernest Fernyhough
  • Michael Fidler
  • Geoffrey Finsberg
  • Nigel Fisher
  • Alan Fitch
  • Gerry Fitt
  • Martin Flannery
  • Alexander MacPherson Fletcher
  • Edward Fletcher (politician)
  • Raymond Fletcher
  • Charles Fletcher-Cooke
  • Janet Fookes, Baroness Fookes
  • Michael Foot
  • Ben Ford (politician)
  • John Forrester
  • Gerald Fowler
  • Norman Fowler
  • Marcus Fox
  • Hugh Fraser (politician)
  • John Fraser (UK politician)
  • Reg Freeson
  • Clement Freud
  • Peter Fry


  • Tam Galbraith

Page 2



  • Myer Galpern
  • George Gardiner (politician)
  • Edward Gardner
  • John Garrett
  • Ted Garrett
  • Bruce George
  • David Gibson-Watt, Baron Gibson-Watt
  • John Gilbert, Baron Gilbert
  • Ian Gilmour, Baron Gilmour of Craigmillar
  • Sir John Gilmour, 3rd Baronet
  • David Ginsburg
  • Alan Glyn
  • Joseph Godber
  • John Golding (British politician)
  • Philip Goodhart
  • Victor Goodhew
  • Alastair Goodlad, Baron Goodlad
  • John Michael Gorst
  • Harry Gourlay
  • Ian Gow
  • Raymond Gower
  • Edward Graham
  • George Grant (UK politician)
  • Anthony Grant (British politician)
  • John Grant (British politician)
  • Hamish Gray, Baron Gray of Contin
  • Percy Grieve
  • Edward Griffiths
  • Eldon Griffiths
  • Jo Grimond
  • Ian Grist
  • Michael Grylls
  • Harold Gurden


  • John Hall (UK politician)
  • Alfred Hall-Davis
  • James Hamilton (Scottish politician)
  • Michael Hamilton
  • Willie Hamilton
  • William Hamling
  • Keith Hampson
  • John Hannam
  • Peter Hardy, Baron Hardy of Wath
  • Joseph Harper (English politician)
  • Harwood Harrison
  • Walter Harrison
  • Judith Hart
  • Betty Harvie Anderson
  • Stephen Hastings
  • Roy Hattersley
  • Frank Hatton (UK politician)
  • Michael Havers, Baron Havers
  • Paul Hawkins (politician)
  • Barney Hayhoe, Baron Hayhoe
  • Denis Healey
  • Edward Heath
  • Eric Heffer
  • Barry Henderson
  • Douglas Henderson
  • Michael Heseltine
  • Terence Higgins, Baron Higgins
  • James Hill (British politician)
  • Philip Holland
  • Frank Hooley
  • Emlyn Hooson, Baron Hooson
  • John Horam
  • Peter Hordern
  • Geoffrey Howe

H cont.

  • David Howell, Baron Howell of Guildford
  • Denis Howell, Baron Howell
  • Ralph Howell
  • Geraint Howells
  • Les Huckfield
  • Cledwyn Hughes
  • Mark Hughes (politician)
  • Robert Hughes, Baron Hughes of Woodside
  • Roy Hughes
  • John Hunt (British politician)
  • Adam Hunter (UK politician)
  • Douglas Hurd
  • Michael Clark Hutchison


  • Tom Iremonger
  • Arthur Irvine
  • Godman Irvine
  • Sydney Irving


  • Colin Jackson (UK politician)
  • David James (politician)
  • Greville Janner, Baron Janner of Braunstone
  • Douglas Jay, Baron Jay
  • Lena Jeger, Baroness Jeger
  • Patrick Jenkin, Baron Jenkin of Roding
  • Hugh Jenkins
  • Roy Jenkins
  • Toby Jessel
  • Brynmor John
  • Geoffrey Johnson Smith
  • James Johnson (UK politician)
  • Walter Johnson (UK politician)
  • Russell Johnston, Baron Russell-Johnston
  • Arthur Jones (politician)
  • Barry Jones, Baron Jones
  • Dan Jones (politician)
  • Gwynoro Jones
  • Alec Jones
  • Michael Jopling, Baron Jopling
  • Keith Joseph
  • Frank Judd, Baron Judd


  • Donald Kaberry, Baron Kaberry of Adel
  • Gerald Kaufman
  • Elaine Kellett-Bowman
  • Richard Kelley
  • Russell Kerr
  • Anthony Kershaw
  • James Kilfedder
  • Robert Kilroy-Silk
  • Marcus Kimball, Baron Kimball
  • Evelyn King (UK politician)
  • Tom King, Baron King of Bridgwater
  • Neil Kinnock
  • Peter Michael Kirk
  • Timothy Kitson
  • Jill Knight
  • David Knox (UK politician)


  • David Lambie
  • Harry Lamborn
  • James Lamond
  • Norman Lamont (1942)
  • David Lane (politician)
  • John Langford-Holt
  • Arthur Latham
  • Michael Latham
  • Ivan Lawrence
  • George Lawson (UK politician)
  • Nigel Lawson
  • Spencer Le Marchant

L cont.

  • Edward Leadbitter
  • John Michael Hubert Lee
  • Jim Lester
  • Joan Lestor
  • Harold Lever, Baron Lever of Manchester
  • Arthur Lewis (politician)
  • Kenneth Lewis
  • Ronald Lewis (British politician)
  • Marcus Lipton
  • Ian Lloyd (UK politician)
  • Selwyn Lloyd
  • Kenneth Lomas
  • Charles Loughlin
  • John Loveridge
  • Edward Loyden
  • Richard Luce, Baron Luce
  • Alex Lyon
  • Edward Lyons


  • Dickson Mabon
  • Stephen McAdden
  • Ian MacArthur
  • Neil McBride
  • Hugh McCartney
  • Iain MacCormick
  • Robert McCrindle
  • Harold McCusker
  • Frank McElhone
  • Neil Macfarlane (politician)
  • Roderick MacFarquhar
  • John MacGregor, Baron MacGregor of Pulham Market
  • Michael McGuire
  • Gregor Mackenzie
  • Martin McLaren
  • Robert Maclennan, Baron Maclennan of Rogart
  • Maurice Macmillan
  • Thomas McMillan (British MP)
  • Michael McNair-Wilson
  • Patrick McNair-Wilson
  • Kevin McNamara (politician)
  • Martin Maddan
  • David Madel
  • Bryan Magee
  • Simon Mahon
  • Joseph Mallalieu
  • Kenneth Marks
  • David Marquand
  • Edmund Marshall
  • Michael Marshall (politician)
  • Neil Marten
  • Roy Mason
  • Carol Mather
  • Angus Maude
  • Reginald Maudling
  • Ray Mawby
  • Robin Maxwell-Hyslop
  • Christopher Mayhew
  • Patrick Mayhew
  • Michael Meacher
  • Bob Mellish, Baron Mellish
  • John Mendelson
  • Anthony Meyer
  • Ian Mikardo
  • Bruce Millan
  • Hal Miller
  • Maurice Miller
  • Peter Mills (UK politician)

Page 3



  • Eddie Milne
  • Norman Miscampbell
  • Bob Mitchell (UK politician)
  • David Mitchell (politician)
  • Roger Moate
  • William Molloy, Baron Molloy
  • James Molyneaux, Baron Molyneaux of Killead
  • Ernle Money
  • Hector Monro, Baron Monro of Langholm
  • Eric Moonman
  • John Moore, Baron Moore of Lower Marsh
  • Jasper More
  • Geraint Morgan
  • Morgan Morgan-Giles
  • John Morris, Baron Morris of Aberavon
  • Alf Morris
  • Charles Morris (politician)
  • Michael Morris, Baron Naseby
  • Charles Morrison
  • Peter Morrison
  • Roland Moyle
  • David Mudd
  • Frederick Mulley
  • Ronald King Murray, Lord Murray
  • Oscar Murton, Baron Murton of Lindisfarne


  • Airey Neave
  • Michael Neubert
  • Stan Newens
  • Tony Newton
  • Harmar Nicholls
  • Tom Normanton
  • John Nott


  • Gordon Oakes
  • Eric Ogden
  • Michael O'Halloran (UK politician)
  • Brian O'Malley
  • Cranley Onslow
  • Sally Oppenheim-Barnes
  • Maurice Orbach
  • Stanley Orme, Baron Orme
  • Lawrence Orr
  • John Osborn (politician)
  • John Ovenden
  • David Owen


  • Walter Padley
  • Graham Page
  • John Page (UK politician)
  • Ian Paisley
  • Arthur Palmer (politician)
  • John Pardoe
  • George Park
  • John Parker (UK politician)
  • Cecil Parkinson
  • Robert Parry (UK politician)
  • Geoffrey Pattie
  • Laurence Pavitt
  • Fred Peart, Baron Peart
  • Tom Pendry, Baron Pendry
  • Ian Percival
  • Ernest Perry
  • John Peyton, Baron Peyton of Yeovil
  • Colin Phipps
  • Bonner Pink
  • Reginald Prentice
  • John Prescott
  • Christopher Price (UK politician)
  • David Price (British politician)

P cont.

  • William Price (politician)
  • James Prior, Baron Prior
  • Francis Pym


  • Joan Quennell


  • Giles Radice, Baron Radice
  • Timothy Raison
  • Tim Rathbone
  • Peter Rawlinson, Baron Rawlinson of Ewell
  • Robert Redmond
  • Merlyn Rees
  • Peter Rees, Baron Rees
  • William Rees-Davies
  • George Reid (Scottish politician)
  • David Renton, Baron Renton
  • Tim Renton, Baron Renton of Mount Harry
  • Geoffrey Rhodes
  • Brandon Rhys-Williams
  • Jo Richardson
  • Nicholas Ridley, Baron Ridley of Liddesdale
  • Julian Ridsdale
  • Malcolm Rifkind
  • Geoffrey Rippon
  • Albert Roberts
  • Gwilym Roberts
  • Michael Roberts (politician)
  • Wyn Roberts, Baron Roberts of Conwy
  • John Robertson (Scottish Labour Party founder)
  • Caerwyn Roderick
  • William Rodgers, Baron Rodgers of Quarry Bank
  • George Rodgers (UK politician)
  • Sir John Rodgers, 1st Baronet
  • Jeff Rooker, Baron Rooker
  • John Roper, Baron Roper
  • Paul Rose (UK politician)
  • Stephen Ross, Baron Ross of Newport
  • William Ross (Northern Ireland politician)
  • Hugh Rossi
  • Peter Rost (UK politician)
  • Ted Rowlands, Baron Rowlands
  • Anthony Royle, Baron Fanshawe of Richmond


  • Tim Sainsbury
  • Norman St John-Stevas, Baron St John of Fawsley
  • Neville Sandelson
  • James Scott-Hopkins
  • Brian Sedgemore
  • Harry Selby
  • Arnold Shaw
  • Giles Shaw
  • Michael Shaw, Baron Shaw of Northstead
  • Robert Sheldon, Baron Sheldon
  • William Shelton
  • Michael Shersby
  • Peter Shore
  • Edward Short, Baron Glenamara
  • Renee Short
  • John Silkin
  • Samuel Silkin, Baron Silkin of Dulwich
  • Jim Sillars
  • Julius Silverman
  • Frederick Silvester
  • Roger Sims
  • George Sinclair (politician)
  • Trevor Skeet
  • Dennis Skinner
  • William Small (Scottish politician)
  • Cyril Smith
  • Dudley Smith

R cont.

  • John Smith (UK politician)
  • Peter Snape, Baron Snape
  • Nigel Spearing
  • John Spence (politician)
  • James Spicer
  • Michael Spicer
  • Leslie Spriggs
  • Iain Sproat
  • Keith Stainton
  • Albert Stallard, Baron Stallard
  • Ivor Stanbrook
  • John Stanley (politician)
  • David Steel
  • Anthony Steen
  • Donald Stewart
  • Ian Stewart, Baron Stewartby
  • Michael Stewart, Baron Stewart of Fulham
  • Anthony Stodart, Baron Stodart of Leaston
  • David Stoddart, Baron Stoddart of Swindon
  • John Heydon Stokes
  • John Stonehouse
  • Roger Stott
  • John Stradling Thomas
  • Gavin Strang
  • George Strauss
  • Shirley Summerskill
  • Thomas Henry Swain


  • Peter Tapsell (UK politician)
  • Dick Taverne, Baron Taverne
  • Robert Taylor (UK politician)
  • Teddy Taylor
  • Norman Tebbit
  • Peter Temple-Morris, Baron Temple-Morris
  • Margaret Thatcher
  • George Thomas, 1st Viscount Tonypandy
  • Jeffrey Thomas (politician)
  • Peter Thomas, Baron Thomas of Gwydir
  • Stanley Thorne
  • Jeremy Thorpe
  • Sydney Tierney
  • James Tinn
  • John Tomlinson, Baron Tomlinson
  • Frank Tomney
  • Thomas Torney
  • Cyril Townsend
  • Neville Trotter
  • Raphael Tuck
  • Christopher Tugendhat, Baron Tugendhat
  • Paul Tyler


  • Thomas Urwin


  • William van Straubenzee
  • Eric Varley
  • Gerard Folliott Vaughan
  • Peter Viggers


  • David Waddington, Baron Waddington
  • Edwin Wainwright
  • Richard Wainwright
  • John Wakeham
  • Brian Walden
  • David Walder
  • Harold Walker, Baron Walker of Doncaster
  • Peter Walker, Baron Walker of Worcester
  • Terence Walker
  • Derek Walker-Smith
  • Patrick Wall

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  • Dennis Walters
  • Kenneth Warren
  • David Watkins (UK politician)
  • Hamish Watt
  • Bernard Weatherill
  • David Weitzman
  • James Wellbeloved
  • Harry West
  • James White (Scottish politician)
  • Phillip Whitehead
  • William Whitelaw, 1st Viscount Whitelaw

W cont.

  • William Whitlock (politician)
  • Jerry Wiggin
  • Dafydd Wigley
  • Frederick Willey
  • Alan Williams
  • Alan Lee Williams
  • Shirley Williams, Baroness Williams of Crosby
  • Thomas Williams (UK politician)
  • Alexander Wilson (Scottish politician)
  • Gordon Wilson (Scottish politician)
  • Harold Wilson
  • William Wilson (Labour politician)

W cont.

  • Michael Winstanley, Baron Winstanley
  • Nicholas Winterton
  • Audrey Wise
  • Richard Wood, Baron Holderness
  • Alec Woodall
  • Montague Woodhouse, 5th Baron Terrington
  • Robert Woof
  • Marcus Worsley
  • Ian Wrigglesworth


  • David Wright Young
  • Sir George Young, 6th Baronet
  • George Younger, 4th Viscount Younger of Leckie