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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Greetings, I like to read articles from Wikipedia about almost any topic that comes into my mind, however there are some subjects on which I read more often (perhaps you might find some of them interesting as well):


  1. Victor Lustig - The man who sold the Eiffel Tower, twice!
  2. Cassie Chadwick - The woman that lead a bank to bankruptcy when she defaulted on loans obtained by claiming to be the illegitimate daughter of Andrew Carnegie.

Fictional Characters

  1. Nike - The goddess of victory, her name is used by one of the largest sport apparel companies in the world and her image is represented in many works of art, such as the statue El Ángel de la Independencia in Mexico City.
  2. Icarus - Don't let arrogance get the best of you...


  1. What came first, the chicken or the egg? - Interesting alternatives for solving the age old puzzle.
  2. Nothing - is a little more complicated than you think.
  3. Solipsism - Is everything an Illusion?


  1. What is NOT science - List of subjects that are sometimes presented as science, many times with an agenda for doing so.
  2. Theory - What IS science?

Space Exploration

  1. Colonization of Mars - How could we do it?
  2. Colonization of Venus - How about living in a city of clouds?


  1. Degenerate matter - Imagine fitting the entire mass of the solar system into a space the size of a pinhead.
  2. Twin paradox - What happens when you travel at the speed of light?
  3. Chaos Theory - Why can't we predict the future?


  1. Graham's Number - How big can a number be? The answer is, numbers can be arbitrarily large. However, Graham's Number is orders of magnitude larger than the number of elemental particles in the visible universe.


  1. Ponzi Scheme - A very popular topic during these last turbulent years.