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Hi everyone thank you for visiting my page.So first of all i am going to let you guys know more about myself, so i am come from Hong Kong and i am 18 years old also i really like sports for example like basketball badminton swimming snowboarding and running moreover i also play the cello so when i got free time id like to listening to classical music and i really like rap/hip hop.

On the other hand,i have seen something really interesting in the wikipedia.So basically when you are searching so famous people you can be able to see almost everything from that guy for example like their personal life a lot of details so that i thing that is quite interesting.Finally,the main reason is you can find almost everything in wikipedia.

Article review


I have been interested in sports for three years ago.I know how to play a lot of sports for example: badminton,table tennis,swimming,basketball,long distance running and trail.But one of my top favourite is weight training.So I want Wikipedia's coverage of gym as good as it can be, and with that in mind.I visited the gym page on Wikipedia, and found out three side of it worth commenting on: its details, its grammar/voice ,its spelling and its lack of citations in The Gym Wikipedia's page.



I have noticed that many Wikipedia's page about sports/gym try to show us different type of exercise and also they will usually talk about the history, and this page does mention some history of the gymnasium but they did not mention the type of gymnasium for example :School gym ,"Judgement-Free" Gyms ,Hardcore Gyms ,Luxury Gyms and "Universal" Gyms.Also they did not mentions what's the difference between them.



There are some citations on the page, but not very many.General references are listed at the bottom, but these are not very useful there are also lots of errors on the links.And they only got the main body and history so they include more citations and reliable sources used in the article that will makes it batter.They should have put more reference about gymnasium.



The grammar with this article was not very well.There are some mistakes in this article for example:Wrong Word Usage,Lack Of Parallel Structure and Colon Mistakes,those are the main grammar's issues in this article.So for i did try my best to fix those mistake to make this article became batter.



The spelling in this article i would say is not bad ,but there are couple wrong spelling in this article.I think spelling is a really important issue for a article so if they could fix those wrong spelling it would make the article much more batter.



In conclusion,I would rate this article as "medium low level".The scope of information provided created not a very complete background, and the page shows very few sources and citations.so i cannot say whether or not the information from the article is reliable.The bottom section shows the References and Bibliography,but they are impossible to tell if they are real or not so i think they should've put more reliable source in the article which I think would benefit the information that people doesn't know it before.