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Oshakati Premier Electric


Oshakati Premier Electric (OPE) is an Electricity Distribution Company in Oshakati; Northern Namibia, established in 2000.[1]. OPE is governed by a board of directors and run by a management team appointed by the board. In terms of electricity consumption, Oshakati - which provides OPE with its strong customer base - is ranked the fourth-largest consumer of electricity after Windhoek, Walvis Bay and Swakopmund.

Oshakati Premier Electric (OPE), which operates within the boundaries of Oshakati, is responsible mainly for the distribution and supply of power to the town of Oshakati, maintaining and upgrading the existing street and traffic lights, developing future networks and operating the electrical infrastructure in Oshakati. OPE's customer base ranges from large industries such as Coca Cola, MeatCo, NamWater, commercial centres (such as the Game shopping complex, Etango shopping complex and Yetu shopping complex), large power users (such as service stations, hotels and hospitals) and several medium-sized businesses, and residential customers.[2].

OPE is equipped with a 24-hour fault-reporting centre, enabling their valuable customers to report any kind of fault occurring within the boundaries of Oshakati.



Oshakati Premier Electric (Pty) Ltd (OPE) then was established and became operational in year 2000. Both NamPower and Oshakati Town Council had equal shareholding in OPE whereby the Oshakati Town Council contributed electricity distribution assets in Oshakati to OPE and NamPower injected capital equivalent to the value of asset contributed by the Oshakati Town Council. During June 2007, NamPower was bought out from the shareholding of Oshakati Premier Electric, which immediately made Oshakati Town Council the sole 100% share owner of OPE.

