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The Caprivi tribes in Namibia


There are 13 regions in Namibia but yet Namibia only have six ethic caprivien tribes, subia, yeyi, mafwe,san, tortela and mbukushu. The most surprising thing about the caprivens they are adapted to “ lozi “ language that originated from Zambia as their common medium of communication, the caprivi region is the only region that is borders with four country’s Angola, Botswana, Zambia and Zimbabwe. There traditional skill is based on, women baking clay pots of different mates out of palm trees and grass, men hunt and fish. Both men and women also cultivate millet and sorghum for food.[1] [2]


  1. ^ [1]
  2. ^ [Peoples of Namibia – J.S. Malan, Rhino Publishers, 1995]