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Heshan, Guangdong

The first article I found was about a city named Heshan(鹤山) in the Guangdong province. The beginning of the article does start off introducing the article topic. It fully describes where Heshan is located, population etc. The lead is fairly concise and not overly detailed. There seems to be very little information written about the topic. There could be more added to the history background of Heshan, instead the information in the article is just very surface level. However though the tone of the article is fairly neutral, no bias whatsoever especially considering how little information is provided. The information is not up to date, considering the sources used to support the information is at least from a ten years range. Besides the lack of information about this certain Guangdong province, everything is very organized into different categories. The article does provide images of where Heshan(鹤山) is located to give the audience a better understanding of the surrounding of the area. The only disappointment of the image that was used was that it could've been a better view of the province rather than a very boring photo because I would assume audiences would be fair more interested in the area if the main image shown was a better view of Heshan. Overall, the article is very organized, but there could be more added to the article. For example, there could be more secondary sources to support the information provided, include better images(better view of the landscape), and more background information of the topic. The article could've expanded to more information rather than focusing on the land size and population.


Cinema of Hong Kong

The second article I found was cinema of Hong Kong(香港影视). The lead of this article did indeed introduce the article topic in a decent amount of detail. It mainly focused on explaining how it originated which was a well start off point. As a person who grew up watching Hong Kong movies and dramas, I feel like there are definitely a lot more well known individuals who should have been nominated in the wikipedia page as well. There are also very little information about the nominated individuals listed in the wikipedia page as well. Despite that, the article was arranged in a very organized manner and not only that, there were dates listed at almost the end of every event that was noted. This article is fairly up to date because it was last edited towards the end of January this year. The sources from this page are very detailed. The good thing about this article was that there is a awful lot of secondary sources of where the information was found and could be backed up on. I found that the article was very well written in a way that it was like a timeline scrolling down though the information. The editor of this article made sure to go in order in the dates of the events that too place starting from the early 1900's. The fact that everything was organized like a timeline made it easier to read and understand. One thing I would suggest is that even though in the beginning, they did a well done job in explaining the origin of Hong Kong Cinema, that very first or second paragraph could've also included how many famous Hong Kong comedies were produced in the late 1900's. This was a significance in the history of Hong Kong Cinema that should be included in the very beginning because that would indeed be able to capture the audiences attention rather than simply stating it was the major three drifts of cinemas in Chinese because I would assume most of many would've already known that. Comedy played a major part of cinema in Hong Kong during then. Two of the well known stars that was based from Hong Kong were only mentioned briefly throughout the article that deserves to be talked upon a little more detailed.


Hakka Chinese

The third article I found was Hakka Chinese(客家话) which is a common language for the Hakka people. The introductory sentence of the lead of this article clearly explains the topic(客家话). It gives the audience a brief description of the language and how there are various different dialects depending on where you are from. The information provided is very concise which is a good thing. The articles content is certainly relevant to the topic considering how most of what was proposed to the audience in the article had to do with the multiple dialects of the dialect itself and areas in the Guangdong province that spoke the language. The article is not bias in any way or form because it just states facts the topic. One disappointment in the article I found was that as a person who has grown up speaking the Hakka language, I realized that my home dialect(鹤山客家话) was not included in the "sub-dialects" of Hakka. Another point I would advise to fix is the terms used to describe the dialects aren't exactly right based on my knowledge of the language. The article is fairly up to date because the last edit was made on the 3rd of March this year. The sources used to back up the information found was a good length. The addition of the video of a Taiwanese Hakka speaker provides the audience a better understanding of the language but if it also include a video or audio of a cantonese Hakka speaker, the audience of the article would be able to sense the evident difference between the dialects within a dialect.
