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Hello! Welcome to RyuKetsueki123's page. I'm not really going to tell you about me, I'm going to tell you about Ryu's character. Just to let you know, Ryu is not a character of any books, games, mangas, TV Shows, or animes as far as I know. There are some characters named Ryu in some games, but they are probably not based on this character. Ryu is just a character I created.

Basic Information


Ryu is an emo 16 year old. He has a best friend, named Kaida Kaguya. Ryu's full name is Ryu Ketsueki, a Japanese name for "Dragon Blood" ('dragon'for the first name (Ryu) and 'blood' for the last name (Ketsueki). Kaida Kaguya's first name (Kaida) means "Little Dragon", but her last name is unknown.



Ryu was born in Japan, and abandoned by both of his parents. He has been through numerous foster homes, each one only lasting a couple weeks; the parents were creeped out by Ryu and thought he was a freak. Ryu has legally entered the U.S., in hope of being adopted there, at age 8. He stayed at an orphanage until he was 13, then forged a signature on the adoption papers so he could get out. He now has lived in an apartment for 2 years, the first year he couldn't find anything and lived in a dumpster. He currently works for Burger King, barely scraping by with just enough money for rent and food. He drives a beat-up truck, which he got for about $100.



Ryu has black hair, gray eyes, and very pale skin. He's about 5'7", and he's very skinny. Despite his Japanese background, he does not have the squinty eyes, he has small but always wide open eyes. He is almost always wearing a black T-shirt, black shorts, and old beat-up Converse high-tops. He only has three pairs of shorts and four shirts, and all of them are ratty and ripped up.



Ryu is a very shy and quiet person. He doesn't talk much, and rarely laughs. When he does laugh, it's probably in response to a cruel joke he has played on somebody. Ryu loves to prank people, but not the pranks that are laughable and no one gets hurt. He likes to do things like fake deaths, pretend to be your best friend and then stab you in the back, things like that. Ryu might have had a different personality if he was raised differently, but he's used to neglect and rejection. Why he does these things to people is because he feels it's revenge for all the times that a foster home rejected him.



Ryu only really has one friend, his best friend, Kaida Kaguya.



In conclusion, Ryu would be someone to avoid. His rough history has made him who he is today. Maybe, if the foster parents like him and he got adopted, he would be a different person, maybe not even in our country.