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id-N Pengguna ini merupakan penutur asli bahasa Indonesia.
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de-2 Dieser Benutzer beherrscht Deutsch auf fortgeschrittenem Niveau.
fr-1 Cet utilisateur dispose de connaissances de base en français.
it-1 Questo utente può contribuire con un livello elementare in italiano.
eo-1 Ĉi tiu uzanto povas komuniki per baza nivelo de Esperanto.
This user is from Indonesia.
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Introduction to my User page


Hi, my name is Ryan. I come from Indonesia. This is my first experience in Wikipedia.

Political history of Britain


Presidents of Indonesia


Presidents of Indonesia
No. Portrait President Title Party Took Office Left Office Election Vice President
1901–1970 (69)
Bapak Proklamator Independent 1945-08-18 1963-05-18 1945 Mohammad Hatta
1963-05-18 1967-03-12 1963 position vacant
1921–2008 (86)
Bapak Pembangunan Golkar 1967-03-12 1968-03-27
1968-03-27 1973-03-23 1968
1973-03-23 1978-03-23 1973 Hamengkubuwono IX
1978-03-23 1983-03-11 1978 Adam Malik
1983-03-11 1988-03-11 1983 Umar Wirahadikusumah
1988-03-11 1993-03-11 1988 Sudharmono
1993-03-11 1998-03-11 1993 Try Sutrisno
1998-03-11 1998-05-21 1998
B. J. Habibie
Bacharuddin Jusuf Habibie
1936–2019 (83)
Bapak Teknologi Golkar 1998-05-21 1999-10-20 position vacant
04 Abdurrahman Wahid
1940–2009 (69)
Bapak Pluralisme PKB 1999-10-20 2001-07-23 1999
Megawati Sukarnoputri
05 Megawati Sukarnoputri
Born 1947 (78)
Ibu Penegak Konstitusi PDI-P 2001-07-23 2004-10-20 Hamzah Haz
06 Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono
Born 1949 (75)
Bapak Perdamaian Demokrat 2004-10-20 2009-10-20 2004
Jusuf Kalla
2009-10-20 2014-10-20 2009
07 Joko Widodo
Born 1961 (63)
Bapak Infrastruktur PDI-P 2014-10-20 2019-10-20 2014
Jusuf Kalla
2019-10-20 2024-10-20 2019
Ma'ruf Amin
08 Prabowo Subianto
Born 1951 (73)
Bapak Pertahanan Gerindra 2024-10-20 Incumbent 2024
Gibran Rakabuming Raka

Presidents of South Africa


Presidents (Party)

Presidents of the African National Congress
No. Portrait President Party Election Took Office Left Office Deputy
01 Albert Luthuli
ANC 1952
1952-12-12 1967-07-21 Nelson Mandela
Oliver Tambo
02 Oliver Tambo
ANC 1967
1967-07-21 1985-05-14 Nelson Mandela
1985-05-14 1991-07-07
03 Nelson Mandela
ANC 1991
1991-07-07 1994-12-20 Walter Sisulu
1994-12-20 1997-12-20 Thabo Mbeki
04 Thabo Mbeki
(Born 1942)
ANC 1997
1997-12-20 2002-12-18 Jacob Zuma
2002-12-18 2007-12-18
05 Jacob Zuma
(Born 1942)
ANC 2007
2007-12-18 2012-12-18 Kgalema Motlanthe
2012-12-18 2017-12-18 Cyril Ramaphosa
06 Cyril Ramaphosa
(Born 1952)
ANC 2017
2017-12-18 2022-12-19 David Mabuza
2022-12-19 Incumbent Paul Mashatile

Presidents (State)

Presidents of the Republic of South Africa
No. Portrait President Party Election Took Office Left Office Deputy
01 Nelson Mandela
ANC 1994
1994-05-10 1999-06-14 Frederik de Klerk
Thabo Mbeki
02 Thabo Mbeki
(Born 1942)
ANC 1999
1999-06-14 2004-05-21 Jacob Zuma
2004-05-21 2008-09-24 Jacob Zuma
Phumzile Mlambo
03 Kgalema Motlanthe
(Born 1949)
ANC (2008) 2008-09-24 2009-05-09 Baleka Mbete
04 Jacob Zuma
(Born 1942)
ANC 2009
2009-05-09 2014-05-24 Kgalema Motlanthe
2014-05-24 2018-02-14 Cyril Ramaphosa
05 Cyril Ramaphosa
(Born 1952)
ANC (2018) 2018-02-14 2019-05-22 David Mabuza
2019-05-24 2024-06-14 David Mabuza
Paul Mashatile
2024-06-14 Incumbent Paul Mashatile

Deputy Presidents

Deputy Presidents of the Republic of South Africa
No. Portrait Deputy President Party Took Office Left Office President
01 Frederik de Klerk
NP 1994-05-10 1996-06-30 Nelson Mandela
02 Thabo Mbeki
(Born 1942)
ANC 1994-05-10 1999-06-14
03 Jacob Zuma
(Born 1942)
ANC 1999-06-14 2005-06-14 Thabo Mbeki
04 Phumzile Mlambo
(Born 1955)
ANC 2005-06-14 2008-09-23
05 Baleka Mbete
(Born 1949)
ANC 2008-09-25 2009-05-09 Kgalema Motlanthe
06 Kgalema Motlanthe
(Born 1949)
ANC 2009-05-09 2014-05-26 Jacob Zuma
07 Cyril Ramaphosa
(Born 1952)
ANC 2014-05-26 2018-05-15
08 David Mabuza
(Born 1960)
ANC 2018-05-27 2023-11-28 Cyril Ramaphosa
09 Paul Mashatile
(Born 1961)
ANC 2023-03-07 Incumbent

List of Aramaic alphabets

Ordination history of
Pope Benedict XVI
Diaconal ordination
Ordained byJohannes Neuhäusler [de]
Date29 October 1950
Priestly ordination
Ordained byMichael von Faulhaber
Date29 June 1951
Episcopal consecration
Consecrated byJosef Stangl
Date28 May 1977
Elevated byPope Paul VI
Date27 June 1977
Episcopal succession
Bishops consecrated by Pope Benedict XVI as principal consecrator
Alberto Bovone12 May 1984
Zygmunt Zimowski25 May 2002
Josef Clemens6 January 2004
Bruno Forte8 September 2004
Mieczysław Mokrzycki29 September 2007
Francesco Brugnaro29 September 2007
Gianfranco Ravasi29 September 2007
Tommaso Caputo29 September 2007
Sergio Pagano29 September 2007
Vincenzo Di Mauro29 September 2007
Gabrielle Caccia12 September 2009
Franco Coppola12 September 2009
Pietro Parolin12 September 2009
Raffaello Martinelli12 September 2009
Giorgio Corbellini12 September 2009
Savio Hon Tai-fai5 February 2011
Marcello Bartolucci5 February 2011
Celso Morga Iruzubieta5 February 2011
Antonio Filipazzi5 February 2011
Edgar Peña Parra5 February 2011
Charles Brown6 January 2012
Marek Solczyński6 January 2012
Vincenzo Zani6 January 2013
Fortunatus Nwachukwu6 January 2013
Georg Gänswein6 January 2013
Nicolas Thévenin6 January 2013
Ordination history of
Pope Francis
Priestly ordination
Ordained byRamón José Castellano
Date13 December 1969
Episcopal consecration
Consecrated byAntonio Quarracino
Date27 June 1992
Elevated byPope John Paul II
Date21 February 2001
Episcopal succession
Bishops consecrated by Pope Francis as principal consecrator
Horacio Astoul1 May 1999
Jorge Lugones30 July 1999
Jorge Lozano25 March 2000
Joaquín Sucunza21 October 2000
José Gentico28 April 2001
Fernando Maletti18 September 2001
Andrés Stanovnik16 December 2001
Mario Poli20 April 2002
Eduardo García16 August 2003
Adolfo Uriona8 May 2004
Eduardo Taussig25 September 2004
Raúl Martín20 May 2006
Hugo Salaberry21 August 2006
Óscar Ojea2 September 2006
Hugo Barbaro4 July 2008
Enrique Eguía Seguí11 October 2008
Ariel Torrado13 December 2008
Luis Fernández Alara27 March 2009
Vicente Bokalic Iglic29 May 2010
Alfredo Zecca18 August 2011
Jean-Marie Speich24 October 2013
Giampiero Gloder24 October 2013
Fernando Vérgez15 November 2013
Fabio Fabene30 May 2014
Angelo De Donatis9 November 2015
Miguel Ayuso Guixot19 March 2016
Peter Bryan Wells19 March 2016
Waldemar Sommertag19 March 2018
Alfred Xuereb19 March 2018
José Bettencourt19 March 2018
Alberto Lorenzelli22 June 2019
Michael Czerny4 October 2019
Paolo Borgia4 October 2019
Antoine Camilleri4 October 2019
Paolo Rudelli4 October 2019
Guido Marini17 October 2021
Andrés Ferrada17 October 2021
Ancient Aramaic 𐤀 𐤁 𐤂 𐤃 𐤄 𐤅 𐤆 𐤇 𐤈 𐤉 𐤊 𐤋 𐤌 𐤍 𐤎 𐤏 𐤐 𐤑 𐤒 𐤓 𐤔 𐤕
Official Aramaic 𐡀 𐡁 𐡂 𐡃‎ 𐡄 𐡅 𐡆 𐡇 𐡈 𐡉 𐡊 𐡋 𐡌 𐡍 𐡎 𐡏 𐡐 𐡑 𐡒 𐡓 𐡔 𐡕
Biblical Aramaic א ב ג ד ה ו ז ח ט י כ ל מ נ ס ע פ צ ק ר ש ת
Classical Aramaic ܐ ܒ ܓ ܕ ܗ ܘ ܙ ܚ ܛ ܝ ܟ ܠ ܡ ܢ ܣ ܥ ܦ ܨ ܩ ܪ ܫ ܬ
Eastern Aramaic ܐ ܒ ܓ ܕ ܗ ܘ ܙ ܚ ܛ ܝ ܟ ܠ ܡ ܢ ܣ ܥ ܦ ܨ ܩ ܪ ܫ ܬ
Western Aramaic ܐ ܒ ܓ ܕ ܗ ܘ ܙ ܚ ܛ ܝ ܟ ܠ ܡ ܢ ܣ ܥ ܦ ܨ ܩ ܪ ܫ ܬ