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Mars and martian dust storms

1. A Trend Analysis for Predicting Dust Storms on Mars, Jeff Beish, Former A.L.P.O Senior Mars Recorder, since 1873.
2. Patrick Moore, guinness book on astronomy
3. Mars in 2005
4. BAA Mars Section Mars Watch
num year 1. 2. 3.
1 1909 truly global, same strength as 1971 planet-encircling,
1911 -- mentioned planet-encircling,
2 1924 planet-encircling, mentioned planet-encircling,
3 1956 planet-encircling, mentioned planet-encircling,
4 1971 truly global, strongest planet-encircling,
5 1973 planet-encircling, mentioned planet-encircling,
6 1975 planet-encircling, -- planet-encircling,
7 1977a planet-encircling, -- planet-encircling,
8 1977b planet-encircling, -- planet-encircling,
9 1982 planet-encircling, (after book) planet-encircling,
10 2001 planet-encircling. (after book) planet-encircling,
1 local < 2000 km
2 regional > 2000 km
3 planet-encircling
4 truly global

Earth and geological contintents









North America:

South America:






Own Research

substar object type MJupiters MSun characteristics
Terrestrial 0.0001 solid surface
Super-Earth 0.01 unknown
Icy Jovian 0.04 ? gaseous from water, ammonia and methane
Hydrogen Jovian ? 0.2 ? gaseous hydrogen and helium
Superjovian 2 degenerate cores
Deuterium Brown Dwarf 13 0.012 Fuses D (2H)
Lithium Brown Dwarf 65 0.06 Fuses Li
Red Dwarf 75-80 0.075 Fuses 1H to 4He

The limits for Red Dwarf vs Lithium Brown Dwarf vs Deuterium Brown Dwarf seems extraordinarily insecure: many objects seem to violate the theory, f.ex. Sub-Brown Dwarfs.