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User:Runningonbrains/Connecticut tornado newspaper sources

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New York Times


May 11, 1954


Tornado in Connecticut Flattens House, Sheds (Page 31)

ELLINGTON, Conn, May 10 (UP)—A small tornado, the first to hit Connecticut in three years, flattened an eight-room house and four tobacco sheds today [Monday, May 10], injuring two persons.

Mrs. Katherine Rothe, 41 years old, and her 18-year old son, Robert, were swept across a street into a field. Debris was scattered for hundreds of feet. Only a doorway remained standing. Pieces of clothing were found hanging from trees half a mile away.

The tornado swept out of darkened skies during a heavy rain and hail storm without warning. The weather bureau at first refused to call it a tornado, but weather man Larry Mahar then agreed with eye-witnesses that it was a "small but very dangerous tornado."