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User:Rowan 596

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Rowan Driveson was born on April 24th 1998, to an absolute g of a mum in South ends. Croydon.



Was the monumental start of Driveson's career as her mum become her own better, Kris Jenner.

Spirit & Flash: 2016-2017

  • 2016

S&F was originally created in 2016 at the beginning of joining university's student radio. The iconic duo was formed with both Rowan 596 and Naila 98.

  • 2017

Upon the return of second year at university Spirit and Flash is yet to resume.

Reflection on Ruth Bourne


Womans Worker Rights


I decided to add a page on Ruth Bourne as her role in Bletchley Park was greatly significant and she did not already have any information written about her. The woman at Bletchley played such an important role in helping win the second world war, but yet most of these woman are not recognised for their efforts. What we fail to acknowledge is that the woman of Bletchley park were made to work such long hours that they had little time for anything else. In Ruth Bournes page I have mentioned the term 'mustard', a term used by the Germans meaning the woman at Bletchley would do as they were told. In a journal article about leadership within the working environment the "think manager-think male paradigm" (Pafford S and Schaefer T, 2017)[1] is mentioned. It suggests the lack of woman in leadership positions is the social normative as men have always been the ones perceived to have status and power. This relates to the woman at Bletchley as their working positions were ruled by the opinions and decisions of men, something that should not be plausible within society. By starting pages for all of the workers at Bletchley park, it helps to identify issues like this as more people will be able to read about it. In turn, it brings about a chance for change and development in the further, paving the way for more woman in power.

Recognising the Work of Woman


Although Wikipedia is not an academic source, it tends to be a go to source for background information when researching into something new. In Sue Blacks paper on the Woman of Bletchley Park she talks about how shocked she was to find out that over "five thousand woman" (Black, 2016)[2] had worked there and yet she had never heard about any of them before. Thus, it is clear that the work of woman is not advertised as much as it should be and one of the reasons for this is due to the lack of information of these woman on Wikipedia. The page that I have created for Ruth Bourne will allow anyone in the future that is interested in Ruth herself, or the woman of Bletchley in general, to begin their research with a strong idea of what these woman did and how significant their roles were. In turn, research into woman should become more prominent because of it and should also promote others to write about woman in the future - making Wikipedia much more inclusive as a research platform.

Closing the Gender Gap on Wikipedia


Finally, another reason for my contribution to Wikipedia was to help close the gender gap and bias that the site presents. Studies have found that "less that 13% of Wikipedia contributors are female" (Hill and Shaw, 2013) [3]. By adding to Wikipedia myself I am advocating the prospect that woman too should be researchers and get involved in adding information to the ever expanding site that is Wikipedia. It has been shown that the majority of Wikipedia editors are "well-educated white males"[4]. A platform this is created by lots of like-minded, similar individual will without a doubt "lack depth, introspection, and ultimately, growth."[4] It has been argued that the absence of female editors on Wikipedia is due to "women’s lack of technical skills" (Ford H and Wajcman J, 2017)[5]. As a young female, editing Wikipedia myself argues against this and proves that woman are just as capable when it comes to technical skills and have knowledge that is useful and should be added to Wikipedia.

  1. ^ Pafford, S. and Schaefer, T. (2017). WOMSN AT WORK AND BUSINESS LEADERSHIP EFFECTIVNESS. Journal of Organizational Culture, Communcations & Conflict, 21(1), pp 1-18.
  2. ^ Black, S. (2016). The Women of Bletchley Park. ITNOW, 58(2), pp.10-11.
  3. ^ Hill, B. and Shaw, A. (2013). The Wikipedia Gender Gap Revisited: Characterizing Survey Response Bias with Propensity Score Estimation. PLoS ONE, 8(6), p.e65782.
  4. ^ a b Beck, Laura. "Wikipedia's Editors Are 91 Percent Male Because Citations Are Stored in the Ball Sack".
  5. ^ Ford, H. and Wajcman, J. (2017). ‘Anyone can edit’, not everyone does: Wikipedia’s infrastructure and the gender gap. Social Studies of Science, 47(4), pp.511-527.