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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Part of a series on
Learning disabilities
Education | Neuroscience
Common types of LD

Aphasia · Auditory processing disorder · Dyscalculia ·

Dysgraphia · Dyslexia · Dyspraxia ·

Nonverbal · Expressive/receptive language ·

Speech disorder · Written expression
Evaluation and diagnostics
[[]] ·

Dynamic · Woodcock Johnson · WIAT

IQ/cognitive · Neuropsychological · Neuropsych tests

WISC IV · Stanford-Binet · [[ ]] · [[ ]]
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Common comorbid disorders
AD/HD · Sensory integration dysfunction
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Evaluation and diagnostics
Asperger's syndrome · Autism · [[ ]]
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Related topics
Mind and brain · Learning · Behavioral neurology
Clinical neurology · Cognitive Neuroscience · [[ ]] · [[ ]]
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Qualitative research Quantitative research
