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Pau Rodenas is PhD student at WESUS. He was born in Castellón de la Plana in 1984. Pau Rodenas was string bass player at Orquestra Simfónica de Castelló during his youngest period at high school and at University between 1995 and 2006. During his high school education at IES Francisco Ribalta, he was member of Camerata 94 orchestra and singer on the Francisco Ribalta choir. In 2002, he started his bachelor degree on chemistry in James I University.During this period he was singer on Academia d´Orfeu choir. In 2010 he started a Master course on Molecular Nanoscience and Naotechnology in the same University. In 2012 he get a PhD position at WETSUS (Centre of excellence for sustainable water technology. Pau Rodenas was also bass player on some folk and rock bands like Celtibeers, Arguruwen and Insane.

