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User:RockRockOn/A Minimalist Theory of Syntax/Specifier

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Function: Specifier
Specifier - Modifier - Complement - Head
Previous:Head Notation: <angle brackets> Next:Modifier

See also: Specifier trace and Specifier in Wikipedia; as that article stands it does not reflect this theory.

Key Tests[edit]

  1. Uniqueness
    • try inserting parallel elements
  2. Phrase Lead
    • First fixed position


Spec of an Inflection Phrase (IP-spec): <Those folks> have ( eaten (the food) {already} )
Spec of a Verb Phrase: <Those folks> have (<all> eaten (the food) {already} )
Spec of a Complementizer Phrase: <Why> did [ <you> t eat (the food) {already} <o> ] ?