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uh hi.

Sorry I am a bit disorientated at the moment. It's a bit like staring at your self in a reflection of yourself.

but nevermind, it will pass.

Gosh. Um, hi. (darn it I said that again)

Yes well, I like to read books and have at least two bicycles and like to write, not too much, every now and then... I like to keep things short and sweet. sometimes. Unless I am drunk and then I like to be loud and silly. Or a dick.

is this a good idea? just talking out aloud. Or should I think about what I say a bit more closely.

Oh my spelling will be my undoing...

Um, yes.

I really do enjoy reading stuff on this place. I think it is pretty cool

but I am not that keen on things getting re edited every so often. Or worse people re editing re edits... I think it's a bad spirl. in my opinion...

Nice to meet you.

Have a nice day.


Ps this is an edit. ("By pressing down a special key it plays a little melody"*)

  • lyrics from "pocket calculator" by Kraftwerk.

this another edit. (I am feeling slightly adventerous)

the third edit. (I must admit I am somewhat +++insert a good word here+++ by the bullet point in front of "lyrics".)

Forth edit. ( I actually wanted the previous edit to be "edit the third", as I thought it sounded grander.

OK I get the idea. Seems quite safe.

I must get back to doing some study. Good bye!
