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How to get that first "ten." mark attached to the note rather than floating above "sostenuto"?

\relative b'
{ \key g \minor \time 4/4 \tempo "Andante"
r4^\markup { \italic { legato e sostenuto } } bes8--\p g--_\markup{ \italic { molto espress. } } c4( a) |
r d(^\markup { \italic ten. } bes) a8-- c-- |
r4 bes8--\< d-- g4(\> a,)\! |
r f'\pp\>( g,) a8--\! bes-- |
r4 a8--_\markup { \italic cresc. } g-- d'4( bes) |
r bes(^\markup { \italic ten. }_\markup { \italic dim. } g) a8-- g-- |
b4 r r2