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Publication list for Robbie Morrison

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  • Wikimedia citation markup

New Scientist 2013


Morrison, Robbie (19 June 2013). "Nuclear costs — Letter to the editor". New Scientist (2922). Retrieved 2016-10-14.

Morrison, Robbie.  2013.  Nuclear costs - Letter to the
    editor.  New Scientist.  (2222).  19 June 2013.

<ref name="morrison-2013">
{{cite journal
 | last1 = Morrison | first1 = Robbie
 | title = Nuclear costs — Letter to the editor
 | date = 19 June 2013
 | journal = New Scientist
 | issue = 2922
 | url = https://www.newscientist.com/letter/mg21829220-600-nuclear-costs/
 | access-date = 2016-10-14



Thomas, Bruckner; Heise, Jan; Morrison, Robbie (6–8 September 2006). Advanced integrated energy systems (PDF). ORMMES 2006: Operation Research Models and Methods in the Energy Sector Conference. Coimbra, Portugal. Retrieved 2016-10-14.

Bruckner, Thomas, Jan Heise, and Robbie Morrison. 2006.
    Advanced integrated energy systems.  Proceedings of
    ORMMES 2006: Operation Research Models and Methods
    in the Energy Sector Conference, Coimbra, Portugal,
    6-8 September 2006.

<ref name="bruckner-etal-2006">
{{cite conference
 | first1 = Bruckner | last1 = Thomas
 | last2 = Heise | first2 = Jan
 | last3 = Morrison | first3 = Robbie
 | title = Advanced integrated energy systems
 | date = 6–8 September 2006
 | conference = ORMMES 2006: Operation Research Models and Methods in the Energy Sector Conference
 | location = Coimbra, Portugal
 | url = https://www.wifa.uni-leipzig.de/fileadmin/user_upload/iirm-tm/energiemanagement/publikationen/Conference_Proceedings/2006_AdvancIntrgESystemOrmmes.pdf
 | access-date = 2016-10-14
evince ~/synk/pdfs/2006-bruckner-etal-advanced-energy-integrated-systems-ormmes.pdf &

IAEE 2006


Wittmann, Tobias; Morrison, Robbie; Richter, Julius; Bruckner, Thomas (7–10 June 2006). A bounded rationality model of private energy investment decisions (PDF). 29th International Association for Energy Economics (IAEE) International Conference: Securing Energy in Insecure Times. Potsdam, Germany. SSRN 922020. Retrieved 2016-10-14.{{cite conference}}: CS1 maint: date and year (link)

Wittmann, Tobias, Robbie Morrison, Julius Richter, and
    Thomas Bruckner.  2006.  A bounded rationality model
    of private energy investment decisions.  Proceedings
    of the 29th International Association for Energy
    Economics (IAEE) International Conference: Securing
    Energy in Insecure Times, Potsdam, Germany,
    7-10 June 2006.

<ref name="wittmann-etal-2006">
{{cite conference
 | last1 = Wittmann | first1 = Tobias
 | last2 = Morrison | first2 = Robbie
 | last3 = Richter | first3 = Julius
 | last4 = Bruckner | first4 = Thomas
 | title = A bounded rationality model of private energy investment decisions
 | date = 7–10 June 2006
 | year = 2006
 | conference = 29th International Association for Energy Economics (IAEE) International Conference: Securing Energy in Insecure Times
 | location = Potsdam, Germany
 | ssrn = 922020
 | url = https://www.wifa.uni-leipzig.de/fileadmin/user_upload/iirm-tm/energiemanagement/publikationen/Conference_Proceedings/2006_BoundRationModelPrivateEInvestDecisions.pdf
 | access-date = 2016-10-14
evince ~/synk/pdfs/2006-wittmann-etal-bounded-rationality-model-of-private-investment-decisions.pdf &

ECOS 2005


Morrison, Robbie; Wittmann, Tobias; Heise, Jan; Bruckner, Thomas (20–22 June 2005). "Policy-oriented energy system modeling with xeona" (PDF). In Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) (ed.). Proceedings of ECOS 2005: shaping our future energy systems: 18th International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems. ECOS 2005. Vol. 2. Trondheim, Norway: Tapir Academic Press. pp. 659–668. ISBN 82-519-2041-8. Retrieved 2016-10-14.

Morrison, Robbie, Tobias Wittmann, Jan Heise, and Thomas
    Bruckner.  2005.  Policy-oriented energy system modeling
    with 'xeona'.  In: Norwegian University of Science and
    Technology (NTNU) (ed).  2005.  Proceedings of ECOS 2005:
    shaping our future energy systems: 18th International
    Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation
    and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems, Trondheim,
    Norway, 20-22 June 2005.  Trondheim, Norway: Tapir
    Academic Press, 2:659-668.  ISBN 82-519-2041-8.

<ref name="morrison-etal-2005">
{{cite conference
 | last1 = Morrison | first1 = Robbie
 | last2 = Wittmann | first2 = Tobias
 | last3 = Heise | first3 = Jan
 | last4 = Bruckner | first4 = Thomas
 | title = Policy-oriented energy system modeling with xeona
 | date = 20–22 June 2005
 | conference = ECOS 2005
 | editor = Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU)
 | book-title = Proceedings of ECOS 2005: shaping our future energy systems: 18th International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems
 | publisher = Tapir Academic Press
 | location = Trondheim, Norway
 | volume = 2
 | pages = 659–668
 | isbn = 82-519-2041-8
 | url = http://www.wifa.uni-leipzig.de/fileadmin/user_upload/iirm-tm/energiemanagement/publikationen/Conference_Proceedings/2005_PolicyOrientedEXeona.pdf
 | access-date = 2016-10-14
evince ~/synk/pdfs/2005-morrison-etal-policy-oriented-energy-system-modeling-xeona.pdf &

Ecological Economics 2005 *


Bruckner, Thomas; Morrison, Robbie; Wittmann, Tobias (2005). "Public policy modeling of distributed energy technologies: strategies, attributes, and challenges" (PDF). Ecological Economics. 54 (2–3): 328–245. doi:10.1016/j.ecolecon.2004.12.032. ISSN 0921-8009. Retrieved 2016-10-14.

Bruckner, Thomas, Robbie Morrison, and Tobias Wittmann.
    2005.  Public policy modeling of distributed energy
    technologies: strategies, attributes, and challenges.
    Ecological Economics, 54(2-3):328-245.  (Special issue
    on recent developments in the economics of induced
    technological change and sustainability).

<ref name="bruckner-etal-2005">
{{cite journal
 | last1 = Bruckner | first1 = Thomas
 | last2 = Morrison | first2 = Robbie
 | last3 = Wittmann | first3 = Tobias
 | title = Public policy modeling of distributed energy technologies: strategies, attributes, and challenges
 | date = 2005
 | journal = Ecological Economics
 | volume = 54
 | issue = 2–3
 | pages = 328–245
 | doi = 10.1016/j.ecolecon.2004.12.032
 | issn = 0921-8009
 | url = https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Thomas_Bruckner2/publication/222424177_Public_policy_modeling_of_distributed_energy_technologies_strategies_attributes_and_challenges/links/02bfe50e715d29e8e5000000.pdf
 | access-date = 2016-10-14
evince ~/synk/pdfs/2005-bruckner-etal-public-policy-modeling-of-distributed-energy-technologies.pdf &

ICSES 2004


Morrison, Robbie; Wittmann, Tobias; Bruckner, Thomas (6–9 July 2004). Energy sustainability through representative large-scale simulation: the logical and physical design of xeona (PDF). International Conference on Sustainability Engineering and Science (ICSES). Auckland, New Zealand. Retrieved 2016-10-14.

Morrison, Robbie, Tobias Wittmann, and Thomas Bruckner.
    2004.  Energy sustainability through representative
    large-scale simulation: the logical and physical design
    of 'xeona'.  Paper presented at the International
    Conference on Sustainability Engineering and Science
    (ICSES), Sheraton Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand,
    6-9 July 2004.

<ref name="morrison-etal-2004">
{{cite conference
 | last1 = Morrison | first1 = Robbie
 | last2 = Wittmann | first2 = Tobias
 | last3 = Bruckner | first3 = Thomas
 | title = Energy sustainability through representative large-scale simulation: the logical and physical design of xeona
 | date = 6–9 July 2004
 | conference = International Conference on Sustainability Engineering and Science (ICSES)
 | location = Auckland, New Zealand
 | url = https://www.wifa.uni-leipzig.de/fileadmin/user_upload/iirm-tm/energiemanagement/publikationen/Conference_Proceedings/2004_EnergySustainLogPhyDesignXeona.pdf
 | access-date = 2016-10-14
evince ~/synk/pdfs/2004-morrison-etal-energy-sustainability-thru-simulation-design-of-xeona.pdf &

EGU 2004


Bruckner, Thomas; Morrison, Robbie; Heise, Jan (25–30 April 2004). Optimal integration of renewable energies at the communal level. European Geosciences Union (EGU) 1st General Assembly. Nice, France.

Bruckner, Thomas, Robbie Morrison, and Jan Heise.  2004.
    Optimal integration of renewable energies at the
    communal level.  Presentation at the European
    Geosciences Union (EGU) 1st General Assembly, Nice,
    France, 25-30 April 2004.
<ref name="bruckner-etal-2004">
{{cite conference
 | last1 = Bruckner | first1 = Thomas
 | last2 = Morrison | first2 = Robbie
 | last3 = Heise | first3 = Jan
 | title = Optimal integration of renewable energies at the communal level
 | date = 25–30 April 2004
 | conference = European Geosciences Union (EGU) 1st General Assembly
 | location = Nice, France
  • no record of this presentation exits

Energy 2004 *


Lindenberger, Dietmar; Bruckner, Thomas; Morrison, Robbie; Groscurth, Helmuth-M; Kümmel, Reiner (February 2004). "Modernization of local energy systems". Energy. 29 (2): 245–256. doi:10.1016/S0360-5442(03)00063-X. ISSN 0360-5442.

Lindenberger, Dietmar, Thomas Bruckner, Robbie Morrison,
    Helmuth-M.  Groscurth, and Reiner Kümmel.  2004.
    Modernization of local energy systems.  Energy,
<ref name="lindenberger-etal-2004">
{{cite journal
 | last1 = Lindenberger | first1 = Dietmar
 | last2 = Bruckner | first2 = Thomas
 | last3 = Morrison | first3 = Robbie
 | last4 = Groscurth | first4 = Helmuth-M
 | last5 = Kümmel | first5 = Reiner
 | title = Modernization of local energy systems
 | date = February 2004
 | journal = Energy
 | volume = 29
 | issue = 2
 | pages = 245–256
 | doi = 10.1016/S0360-5442(03)00063-X
 | issn = 0360-5442
evince ~/synk/pdfs/2004-lindenberger-etal-modernization-of-local-energy-systems.pdf &
  • available through ResearchGate

Annals OR 2003 *


Bruckner, Thomas; Morrison, Robbie; Handley, Chris; Patterson, Murray (July 2003). "High-resolution modeling of energy-services supply systems using deeco: overview and application to policy development" (PDF). Annals of Operations Research. 121 (1–4): 151–180. doi:10.1023/A:1023359303704. Retrieved 2016-10-14.

Bruckner, Thomas, Robbie Morrison, Chris Handley, and Murray
    Patterson.  2003.  High-resolution modeling of
    energy-services supply systems using 'deeco': overview
    and application to policy development.  Annals of
    Operations Research, 121(1-4):151-180.  (Special issue
    on OR models for energy policy, planning, and

<ref name="bruckner-etal-2003">
{{cite journal
 | last1 = Bruckner | first1 = Thomas
 | last2 = Morrison | first2 = Robbie
 | last3 = Handley | first3 = Chris
 | last4 = Patterson | first4 = Murray
 | title = High-resolution modeling of energy-services supply systems using deeco: overview and application to policy development
 | date = July 2003
 | journal = Annals of Operations Research
 | volume = 121
 | issue = 1–4
 | pages = 151–180
 | doi = 10.1023/A:1023359303704
 | url = http://www.wifa.uni-leipzig.de/fileadmin/user_upload/iirm-tm/energiemanagement/publikationen/reviewed_journals/2003_HighResolModelingEnergySystemsDeeco.pdf
 | access-date = 2016-10-14
evince ~/synk/pdfs/2003-bruckner-etal-high-resolution-modeling-energy-services-supply-systems-deeco.pdf &



Morrison, Robbie; Wittmann, Tobias; Bruckner, Thomas (16 November 2003). Energy policy and distributed solutions: a model-based interpretation. Australia New Zealand Society for Ecological Economics (ANZSEE) Think Tank. University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand.

Morrison, Robbie, Tobias Wittmann, and Thomas Bruckner.
    2003.  Energy policy and distributed solutions: a
    model-based interpretation.  Paper presented at the
    Australia New Zealand Society for Ecological Economics
    (ANZSEE) Think Tank, University of Auckland, Auckland,
    New Zealand, 16 November 2003.
<ref name="morrison-etal-2003">
{{cite conference
 | last1 = Morrison | first1 = Robbie
 | last2 = Wittmann | first2 = Tobias
 | last3 = Bruckner | first3 = Thomas
 | title = Energy policy and distributed solutions: a model-based interpretation
 | date = 16 November 2003
 | conference = Australia New Zealand Society for Ecological Economics (ANZSEE) Think Tank
 | location = University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand
  • no record of this presentation exists

Porto Venere 2002


Morrison, Robbie; Bruckner, Thomas (24–28 September 2002). Written at Porto Venere, Italy. Ulgiati, Sergio; Brown, Mark T; Giampietro, Mario; Herendeen, Robert A; Mayumi, Kozo (eds.). High-resolution modeling of distributed energy resources using deeco: adverse interactions and potential policy conflicts (PDF). 3rd International Workshop: Advances in Energy Studies: Reconsidering the Importance of Energy. Padova, Italy: Servizi Grafici Editoriali. pp. 97–107. Retrieved 2016-10-14.

Morrison, Robbie, and Thomas Bruckner.  2002.
    High-resolution modeling of distributed energy resources
    using 'deeco': adverse interactions and potential
    policy conflicts.  In: Ulgiati, Sergio, Mark T Brown,
    Mario Giampietro, Robert A Herendeen, and Kozo Mayumi
    (eds).  2003.  Proceedings of the 3rd International
    Workshop: Advances in Energy Studies: Reconsidering
    the Importance of Energy, Porto Venere, Italy, 24-28
    September 2002.  Padova, Italy: Servizi Grafici
    Editoriali, 97-107.

<ref name="morrison-etal-2002">
{{cite conference
 | last1 = Morrison | first1 = Robbie
 | last2 = Bruckner | first2 = Thomas
 | title = High-resolution modeling of distributed energy resources using deeco: adverse interactions and potential policy conflicts
 | date = 24–28 September 2002
 | conference = 3rd International Workshop: Advances in Energy Studies: Reconsidering the Importance of Energy
 | location = Porto Venere, Italy <!-- not rendered if 'publication-place' is present -->
 | editor-last1 = Ulgiati | editor-first1 = Sergio
 | editor-last2 = Brown | editor-first2 = Mark T
 | editor-last3 = Giampietro | editor-first3 = Mario
 | editor-last4 = Herendeen | editor-first4 = Robert A
 | editor-last5 = Mayumi | editor-first5 = Kozo
 | publisher = Servizi Grafici Editoriali
 | publication-place = Padova, Italy
 | pages = 97–107
 | url = http://www.wifa.uni-leipzig.de/fileadmin/user_upload/iirm-tm/energiemanagement/publikationen/Conference_Proceedings/2002_HighResModelDeeco.pdf
 | access-date = 2016-10-14
evince ~/synk/pdfs/2002-morrison-and-bruckner-high-resolution-modeling-distributed-energy-resources-deeco.pdf &

MSc thesis 2000


Morrison, Robbie (2000). Optimizing exergy-services supply networks for sustainability (Level 2.0 PostScript) (MSc). Dunedin, New Zealand: Physics Department, University of Otago. Retrieved 2016-10-14.

Morrison, Robbie.  2000.  Optimizing exergy-services supply
    networks for sustainability.  MSc thesis.  Physics
    Department, University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand.

http://www.iet.tu-berlin.de/deeco/downloads/robbie_msc_bound.zip (level 2.0 PostScript)
<ref name="morrison-2000">
{{cite thesis
 | last = Morrison | first = Robbie
 | date = 2000
 | title = Optimizing exergy-services supply networks for sustainability
 | type = MSc
 | publisher = Physics Department, University of Otago
 | location = Dunedin, New Zealand
 | url = http://www.iet.tu-berlin.de/deeco/downloads/robbie_msc_bound.zip
 | access-date = 2016-10-14
 | format = Level 2.0 PostScript
file ~/synk/pdfs/robbie_msc_bound-1.tar.gz
evince ~/synk/pdfs/2000-morrison-msc-bound.pdf &