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User:RobAndGeezy/Neutrino Astronomy

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Neutrino astronomy is the branch of astronomy that observes astronomical objects with neutrino detectors in special observatories. Neutrinos are created as a result of certain types of radioactive decay, nuclear reactions such as those that take place in the Sun or high energy astrophysical phenomena, in nuclear reactors, or when cosmic rays hit atoms in the atmosphere. Neutrinos rarely interact with matter, meaning that it is unlikely for them to scatter along their trajectory, unlike photons. Therefore, neutrinos offer a unique opportunity to observe processes that are inaccessible to optical telescopes, such as reactions in the Sun's core. Neutrinos can also offer a very strong pointing direction compared to charged particle cosmic rays.

Since neutrinos interact weakly, neutrino detectors must have large target masses (often thousands of tons). The detectors also must use shielding and effective software to remove background signal.

Detection Methods


Neutrinos interact incredibly in matter, so the vast majority of neutrinos will pass through a detector without interacting. If a neutrino does interact, it will only do so once. Therefore, to perform neutrino astronomy, large detectors must be used to obtain enough statistics.[1]

The IceCube Neutrino Detector at the South Pole. The PMTs are under more than a kilometer of ice, and will detect the photons from neutrino interactions within a cubic kilometer of ice

The method of neutrino detection depends on the energy and type of the neutrino. A famous example is that anti-electron neutrinos can interact with a nucleus in the detector by inverse beta decay and produce a positron and a neutron. The positron immediately will annihilate with an electron, producing two 511keV photons. The neutron will attach to another nucleus and give off a gamma with an energy of a few MeV.[2] In general, neutrinos can interact through neutral-current and charged-current interactions. In neutral-current interactions, the neutrino interacts with a nucleus or electron and the neutrino retains its original flavor. In charged-current interactions, the neutrino is absorbed by the nucleus and produces a lepton corresponding to the neutrino's flavor (,, etc.). If the charged resultants are moving fast enough, they can create Cherenkov light.[3]

To observe neutrino interactions, detectors use photomultiplier tubes (PMTs) to detect individual photons. From the timing of the photons, it is possible to determine the time and place of the neutrino interaction[1]. If the neutrino creates a muon during its interaction, then the muon will travel in a line, creating a "track" of Cherenkov photons. The data from this track can be used to reconstruct the directionality of the muon. For high energy interactions, the neutrino and muon directions are the same, so it's possible to tell where the neutrino came from. This is pointing direction is important in extra-solar system neutrino astronomy[4]. Along with time, position, and possibly direction, it's possible to infer the energy of the neutrino from the interactions. The number of photons emitted is related to the neutrino energy, and neutrino energy is important for measuring the fluxes from solar and geo-neutrinos.[1]

Due to the rareness of neutrino interactions, it is important to maintain a low background signal. For this reason, most neutrino detectors are constructed under a rock or water overburden. This overburden shields against most cosmic rays in the atmosphere; only some of the highest energy muons are able to penetrate to the depths of our detectors. Detectors must include ways of dealing with data from muons so as to not confuse them with neutrinos. Along with more complicated measures, if a muon track is first detected outside of the desired "fiducial" volume, the event is treated as a muon and not considered. Ignoring events outside the fiducial volume also decreases the signal from radiation outside the detector.[1]

Despite shielding efforts, it is inevitable that some background will make it into the detector, many times in the form of radioactive impurities within the detector itself. At this point, if it is impossible to differentiate between the background and true signal, the a Monte Carlo simulation must be used to model the background. While it may be unknown if an individual event is background or signal, it is possible to detect and excess about the background, signifying existence of the desired signal.[5]

Since neutrinos interact only very rarely with matter, the enormous flux of solar neutrinos racing through the Earth is sufficient to produce only 1 interaction for 1036 target atoms, and each interaction produces only a few photons or one transmuted atom. The observation of neutrino interactions requires a large detector mass, along with a sensitive amplification system.

Given the very weak signal, sources of background noise must be reduced as much as possible. The detectors must be shielded by a large shield mass, and so are constructed deep underground, or underwater. They record upward going muons in charged current muon neutrino interactions. Upward because no other known particle can traverse the entire Earth. The detector must be at least 1 km deep to suppress downward traveling muons, and are subject to an irreducible background of extraterrestric neutrinos interacting in the Earth's atmosphere. This background also provides a standard calibration source. Sources of radioactive isotopes must also be controlled as they produce energetic particles when they decay. The detectors consist of an array of photomultiplier tubes (PMTs) housed in transparent pressure spheres which are suspended in a large volume of water or ice. The PMTs record the arrival time and amplitude of the Cherenkov light emitted by muons or particle cascades. The trajectory can then usually be reconstructed by triangulation if at least three "strings" are used to detect the events.

Goals of Neutrino Astronomy


Supernovae Warning


Seven neutrino experiments (Super-K, LVD, IceCube, KamLAND, Borexino, Daya Bay, and HALO) work together as the Supernova Early Warning System (SNEWS)[6]. In a core collapse supernova, ninety-nine percent of the energy released will be in neutrinos. While photons can be trapped in the dense supernova for hours, neutrinos are able to escape on the order of seconds. Since neutrinos travel at roughly the speed of light, they can reach Earth before photons do. If two or more of SNEWS detectors observe a coincidence of an increased flux of neutrinos, an alert is sent to professional and amateur astronomers to be on the lookout for supernovae light. By using the distance between detectors and the time difference between detections, the alert can also include directionality as to the supernova's location in the sky.

Stellar Processes

The proton-proton fusion chain that occurs within the sun. This process is responsible for the majority of the sun's energy.

Our sun, like other stars, is powered by nuclear fusion in its core. The core is incredibly dense, meaning that photons produced in the core will take a long time to diffuse outward. Therefore, solar neutrinos are the only way that we can obtain real-time data about the nuclear processes in our sun.[7]

There are two main processes for stellar nuclear fusion. The first is the Proton-Proton (PP) chain, in which protons are fused together into helium, sometimes temporarily creating the heavier elements of lithium, beryllium, and boron along the way. The second is the CNO cycle, in which carbon, nitrogen, and oxygen are fused with protons, and then undergo alpha decay (helium nucleus emission) to begin the cycle again. The PP chain is the main process in our sun, while the CNO cycle is dominant in stars like our sun with 1.3 solar masses.[5]

Each step in the process has an allowed spectra of energy for the neutrino (or a discrete energy for electron capture processes). By observing the flux at different energies, one can determine the relative rates of the nuclear processes in the sun. This would shed insight into the sun's properties, such as metallicity, which is the composition of heavier elements.[5]

Borexino is one of the detectors studying solar neutrinos. In 2018, they found 5σ significance for the existence of neutrinos from the fusing of two protons with an electron (pep neutrinos)[7]. In 2020, they found for the first time evidence of CNO neutrinos in our sun. Improvements on the CNO measurement will be especially helpful in determining the Sun's metallicity.[5]

Composition and Structure of Earth


The interior of Earth contains radioactive elements such as and the decay chains of and . These elements decay via Beta-decay, which emits an anti-neutrino. The energies of these anti-neutrinos are dependent on the parent nucleus. Therefore, by detecting the anti-neutrino flux as a function of energy, we can obtain the relative compositions of these elements and set a limit on the total power output of Earth's geo-reactor. Most of our current data about the core and mantle of Earth comes from seismic data, which does not provide any information as to the nuclear composition of these layers.[8]

Borexino has detected these geo-neutrinos through the process . The resulting positron will immediately annihilate with an electron and produce two gamma-rays each with an energy of 511keV (the rest mass of an electron). The neutron will later be captured by another nucleus, which will lead to a 2.22MeV gamma-ray as the nucleus de-excites. This process on average takes on the order of 256 microseconds. By searching for time and spatial coincidence of these gamma rays, the experimenters can be certain there was an event.[8]

Using over 3,200 days of data, Borexino used geoneutrinos to place constraints on the composition and power output of the mantle. They found that the ratio of to is the same as chondritic meteorites. The power output from uranium and thorium in Earth's mantle was found to be 14.2-35.7 TW with a 68% confidence interval.[1]

Neutrino tomography also provides insight into the interior of Earth. For neutrinos with energies of a few TeV, the interaction probability becomes non-negligible when passing through Earth. The interaction probability will depend on the number of nucleons the neutrino passed along its path, which is directly related to density. If the initial flux is known (as it is in the case of atmospheric neutrinos), then detecting the final flux provides information about the interactions that occurred. The density can then be extrapolated from knowledge of these interactions. This can provide an independent check on the information obtained from seismic data.[9]

The interior of the Earth as we know it. Currently, our information comes only from seismic data. Neutrinos would be an independent check on this data

In 2018, one year worth of IceCube data was evaluated to perform neutrino tomography. The analysis studied upward going muons, which provide both the energy and directionality of the neutrinos after passing through the Earth. A model of Earth with five layers of constant density was fit to the data, and the resulting density agreed with seismic data. The values determined for the total mass of Earth, the mass of the core, and the moment of inertia all agree with the data obtained from seismic and gravitational data. With the current data, the uncertainties on these values are still large, but future data from IceCube and KM3NeT will place tighter restrictions on this data.

High-Energy Astrophysical Events


Neutrinos can either be primary cosmic rays (astrophysical neutrinos), or be produced from cosmic ray interactions. In the latter case, the primary cosmic ray will produce pions and kaons in the atmosphere. As these hadrons decay, they produce neutrinos (called atmospheric neutrinos). At low energies, the flux of atmospheric neutrinos is many times greater than astrophysical neutrinos. At high energies, the pions and kaons have a longer lifetime (due to relativistic time dilation). The hadrons are now more likely to interact before they decay. Because of this, the astrophysical neutrino flux will dominate at high energies (~100TeV). To perform neutrino astronomy of high-energy objects, experiments rely on the highest energy neutrinos.[10]

To perform astronomy of distant objects, a strong angular resolution is required. Neutrinos are electrically neutral and interact weakly, so they travel mostly unperturbed in straight lines. If the neutrino interacts within a detector and produces a muon, the muon will produce an observable track. At high energies, the neutrino direction and muon direction are closely correlated, so it is possible to trace back the direction of the incoming neutrino.[10]

These high-energy neutrinos are either the primary or secondary cosmic rays produced by energetic astrophysical processes. Observing neutrinos could provide insights into these processes beyond what is observable with electromagnetic radiation. In the case of the neutrino detected from a distant blazar, multi-wavelength astronomy was used to show spatial coincidence, confirming the blazar as the source. In the future, neutrinos could be used to supplement electromagnetic and gravitational observations, leading to multi-messenger astronomy[4].

  1. ^ a b c d e Borexino Collaboration; Agostini, M.; Altenmüller, K.; Appel, S.; Atroshchenko, V.; Bagdasarian, Z.; Basilico, D.; Bellini, G.; Benziger, J.; Bick, D.; Bonfini, G. (2020-01-21). "Comprehensive geoneutrino analysis with Borexino". Physical Review D. 101 (1): 012009. doi:10.1103/PhysRevD.101.012009.
  2. ^ Arns, Robert G. (2001-09-01). "Detecting the Neutrino". Physics in Perspective. 3 (3): 314–334. doi:10.1007/PL00000535. ISSN 1422-6944.
  3. ^ Reddy, Sanjay; Prakash, Madappa; Lattimer, James M. (1998-05-28). "Neutrino interactions in hot and dense matter". Physical Review D. 58 (1): 013009. doi:10.1103/PhysRevD.58.013009.
  4. ^ a b The IceCube Collaboration; Fermi-LAT; MAGIC; AGILE; ASAS-SN; HAWC; H.E.S.S.; INTEGRAL; Kanata; Kiso; Kapteyn (2018-07-13). "Multimessenger observations of a flaring blazar coincident with high-energy neutrino IceCube-170922A". Science. 361 (6398): eaat1378. doi:10.1126/science.aat1378. ISSN 0036-8075.
  5. ^ a b c d The Borexino Collaboration (2020-11-26). "Experimental evidence of neutrinos produced in the CNO fusion cycle in the Sun". Nature. 587 (7835): 577–582. doi:10.1038/s41586-020-2934-0. ISSN 0028-0836.
  6. ^ "What is SNEWS?". snews.bnl.gov. Retrieved 2021-03-18.
  7. ^ a b The Borexino Collaboration (2018-10-XX). "Comprehensive measurement of pp-chain solar neutrinos". Nature. 562 (7728): 505–510. doi:10.1038/s41586-018-0624-y. ISSN 0028-0836. {{cite journal}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  8. ^ a b "Observation of geo-neutrinos". Physics Letters B. 687 (4–5): 299–304. 2010-04-19. doi:10.1016/j.physletb.2010.03.051. ISSN 0370-2693.
  9. ^ Donini, Andrea; Palomares-Ruiz, Sergio; Salvado, Jordi (2019-01). "Neutrino tomography of Earth". Nature Physics. 15 (1): 37–40. doi:10.1038/s41567-018-0319-1. ISSN 1745-2481. {{cite journal}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  10. ^ a b IceCube Collaboration; Aartsen, M. G.; Ackermann, M.; Adams, J.; Aguilar, J. A.; Ahlers, M.; Ahrens, M.; Altmann, D.; Anderson, T.; Arguelles, C.; Arlen, T. C. (2014-09-02). "Observation of High-Energy Astrophysical Neutrinos in Three Years of IceCube Data". Physical Review Letters. 113 (10): 101101. doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.113.101101.