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North park


North park is a neighborhood in wheeling wv and is apart of ward 1. It is located on a Mountain in downtown



the first mention of the Mountain was in the 1700s when a settler named McColloch was being chased by A native American tribe for settling on there land. They chased them all around the Mountain soon he was cornered he no choice but to jump of the mountain so he and his horse jumped of the mountain miraculously he survived making him go down Wheeling history.

the next mention of the mountain was somewhere around the 1800s when a man named A.J harness for a gift for is wife he was going to make a castle for her to live in So year after year he built the castle by himself until one day he got arrested for possession of a illegal substance leaving the castle unfinished. During world war one It was used as a hideout. The castle still standing today Now it’s a hotspot for homeless people,gangs,and graffiti artist.

Long after that in 1904 A Jewish family named the wood family buried a rabbi on a Overlook on the Mountain After that more people started to get buried on the Overlook Not long after that it was named mt.wood cemetery it’s not know how long The cemetery stayed open But soon The wood family died and The cemetery sat abandon for a long time until 2013 when a group of protesters protest to take care of the cemetery A result of the protest West Virginia made it a historical landmark because of some very important people buried there like a revolutionary war soldier and a congressman. West Virginia donated 7,000 $ to Wheeling to fix the cemetery. Recently The only jewish temple in wheeling bought the Jewish section of the cemetery.

after that nothing much happened to the Mountain except for The city making the top of the hill A junkyard it took until the 1970s for them to build houses by then the junkyard had shut down now The graveyard and The castle still standing.