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User:Revenge of the Cybermen/Doctor Who and the Nazis

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The British science fiction television programme Doctor Who has seen many examples of Nazi imagery and themes over the years, but the fascists themselves have rarely made an appearance.

In the 1960s, Brian Hayles used to submit a story outline called Doctor Who and the Nazis every few years, but it was rejected as the timing was felt to be too close to World War Two. For this reason, Patrick Troughton's final story does not feature the Nazis despite the appearance of soldiers from most other wars.

The most obvious link to the Nazis is the Daleks. Their creator, Terry Nation, based them on the SS.

The only fully-fledged appearance by actual Nazis was in the 1988 25th anniversary story Silver Nemesis, which features a group of Nazis hiding out in South America prior to making a bid to start the Fourth Reich.