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“Nearly all writers don't know what to write about”.

By Kingsley Uzuh.

Why do you think you write? How do you feel while writing? To some, writing could be self therapy, a liberation from something or someone. It could be a way they express themselves best, or a way to pass the message, but why do you write? You write based on personal experiences? The creativity that prompts you to? Or based on particular interests?

‘Can you say, the problem is over after you write or, does it still bother you?'

Wikipedia images

As a writer, you create words that make sentences, lines and soon, a whole paragraph. And in each of those paragraphs, there's always something to “enlighten, educate & inform, entertain, inspire & encourage" your readers, not because what you write about is key but it's ability to keep them on your page, reading and exploring your content’s authenticity. They understand it, they relate with it, and you just keep filling them up, it's great, we enjoy it but do you? When you write and then publish it, are you agitated about your work? Or do you just click “publish" and sip a glass of wine waiting, because a 100 subscribers awaits your message?

“Smile when you write, your readers can feel it" -Olusegun Osifuye.

Writing can often be viewed as "hard” by people, who don't understand the art because it could be many things. It could be joy, pain, you releasing all your frustration, your deepest thoughts, candid memories, and such. You could even create a whole scenario, write stories that “blows minds”, create poetry and novels but its core foundation is on the level of creativity the author puts into it. I write because I’ve got something to say but no way to tell others.

I write because I get inspired by the simplest of things. I could look at a text, an image or a person and then write about them, because that's what inspires me and not because it's what I should write about. Different blogs, articles, press, publishing media are all owned & written by different people. No two writers are the same, no two publication sites/media are the same because they've each got creativity that makes them different. Figure out what challenges you as a writer, what inspires you most and your feelings towards your writing and then…create!

“You can't edit a blank page, but you can certainly edit a bad page". - Jodi Picoult

You could read someone's blog and not find it half as great as when you read another person's blog but not forgetting that different persons wrote them but that's not what interests you. A Lot of writers view writing differently, most of their works are self therapies, something to calm their minds with, something to put out there, to get the message out, find their people, so what type of writer are you? I’m certain you’d want to write books that inspire people, a blog to showcase your creativity as a writer but you'd have to understand who your audience is/are and what you want to write about. The freedom of writing is that you could write about absolutely anything and still find people who love your work. And that's what all writers crave, people who relate with their work.

And I sit here wondering about what to write, brainstorming ideas, on how to tell my story right or pass a message. To do that, I must trust that I have what it takes, not because people expect that from me, or I have an audience to please but because everytime I write, I have something to offer and I may feel, there's someone out there, who needs to hear what I have to say. You write because that's what you love doing, is all you know how to do best. You're great at it, aren't you? So, don't stop You wrote that without any guide, so own your creative piece. “Don't write, to be seen…write so no one will ignore you”. -Mindfulink “The №1 problem of being a writer isn't to write but to sit down to write". -Steven Pressfield (Most relatable)