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REinsurance Time Difference between Treaty and Facultative ReinsuranceCite error: There are <ref> tags on this page without content in them (see the help page).

Treaty Reinsurance Transaction encompassing a block of the ceding company’s book of Business. The reinsurer must accept all business included within the terms of the reinsurance contract. • Reinsurer has no option to accept individual risk. • Obligatory acceptance by the reinsurer of covered business. • One treaty contract encompasses all subject risks. • Less expensive than “Facultative Risk” Reinsurance.

Facultative Reinsurance Reinsurance transacted on an individual risk basis. The ceding company has the option to offer an individual risk to the reinsurer and the reinsurer retains the right to accept or reject the risk. • Individual Risk is reviewed. • Reinsurer has the right to accept or reject each risk on its own merit. • A facultative certificate is written to confirm each transaction. • Can help in protecting a treaty from adverse underwriting results. • More expensive than Treaty Reinsurance.