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User:RedSocialKnight/Sandbox/Fire Emblem

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There are many different archetypes of characters in the Fire Emblem series. These archetypes have been repeated through characters numerous times throughout the course of the series. They are named after the first character to possess such qualities (usually Fire Emblem 1 characters).

The Archetypes


The following is a list and description of each archetype. Keep in mind that this list is incomplete, and is still undergoing research.



Perhaps the most famous of all the archetypes, a Jeigan character is usually a character that joins the group early in the game. They appear impressive at first, but are usually inferior to other units when they are leveled up. Jeigans are almost always Paladins. There are two types of Jeigans.

Pure Jeigans


Pure Jeigans are based off the original Jeigan from Fire Emblem 1 and 3. These types of Jeigans usually have what appear to be good stats at first glance. However, they usually have awful growth rates, making them inferior to other units.

Examples: Jeigan (FE1), Marcus (FE6 and FE7)



Oifayes are named after the paladin Oifaye from Fire Emblem 4: Seifen no Keifu. These Jeigans usually start out with poor stats for their level, but usually have better growth rates than normal Jeigans, making them better and not totally worthless.

Examples: Oifaye (FE4), Seth (FE8), Titania (FE9)



Est was a pegasus knight in FE1 that joined the player's team late in the game. Est archetype characters are usually characters that join the group late in the game at an extremely low level. However, if trained, they usually turn out to be one of the best units in the game, and are sort of the antithesis of a Jeigan.

Examples: Est (FE1), Nino (FE7)



Kain is one half of the famous Kain and Abel archetype. A Kain is a character that joins the group early in the game along with the Abel. They are usually a cavalier with red, crimson, or orange armor, and have high strength growths. Exceptions to this rule are Sain and Kyle, as they wear green armor, but have the stats of a Kain.

Examples: Kain (FE1), Allen (FE6), Sain (FE7), Kyle (FE8), Oscar (FE9)



Abel is the other half of the Kain/Abel archetype. In contrast to a Kain, an Abel is a cavalier that wears green, jade, or some other shade of green armor, and has higher speed and skill growths rather than strength growths. Exceptions are Kent and Forde, because they wear red armor, but have the stats of an Abel.

Examples: Abel (FE1), Lance (FE6), Kent (FE7), Forde (FE8), Kieran (FE9)



An Oguma is a character that is usually a mercenary with well-balanced stats. They usually join around the middle of the game. They have balanced stat growths, and are usually some of the best units in their games.

Examples: Oguma (FE1), Dieck (FE6), Raven (FE7), Gerik (FE8)



A Nabarl is a character that is usually a myrmidon. They tend to have high skill and speed growths, but poor strength growths. They may have a relation to a game's Julian archetype character.

Examples: Nabarl (FE1), Ayra (FE4), Rutger (FE6), Guy (FE7), Joshua (FE8)



A Julian is a thief that joins the group early in the game. They tend to have very high speed growths, but the rest of their growths are either average or poor.

Examples: Julian (FE1), Chad (FE6), Matthew (FE7), Colm (FE8), Sothe (FE9)



Davros was a pirate that joined the group in FE1. A Davros character is typically a pirate or brigand that joins the group around the halfway point of the game. They tend to have terrible skill and resistance, but have excellent strength and speed.

Examples: Davros (FE1), Gonzales (FE6), Dart (FE7)



Gato was a character that joined the group very late into the game in Fire Emblem 1. He was a mage that could use any spell. Gato characters are character received late into the game, but have high growths and stats, and usually are insanely powerful.

Examples: Gato (FE1), Karel (FE6 only), Athos (FE7), Myrrh (FE8), Naesala (FE9), Tibarn (FE9), Giffca (FE9), Lehran (FE10)