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Potential Articles

Reasons for Changes:

Ready, Set. PrEP

  • Some sections of the articles come across as wordy and hard to read.
  • The organization and formatting of the article could use some adjustments.
  • Graphics could possibly be added to direct the reading.

2004 Kumbakonam School fire

  • The main thing I saw here was the organization of ideas.
    • I feel as if we could change the order of the last three sub sections.
  • I also think we could work on sentence structure, grammar, and flow.

Tea in the United Kingdom

  • This article could be revised for word repetition and word choice.

Larry Bright

  • This article could be edited for spelling and grammar.
  • Citations could also be added to this article.

College Scholastic Ability Test

  • This article could be edited for spelling and cohesion.

Hurricane Luis

  • This article could be edited for organization.
  • Spelling and grammar could also be a focus of editing.

Article Changes History

2004 Kumbakonam School fire

  • The editing here has not changed the format by any drastic means.
  • Most of the editing has come in the form of grammar and translating.
    • The article originally had text that needed to be translated.
  • The only major formatting changes I could find was the addition of the Victims subsection.

Ready, Set. PrEP

  • The editing here has not significantly changed the formatting in any way.
    • There was some formatting changes that occurred in line one.
      • The edit on February 11th 2021 added external links and multiple issues to said line.
  • There were also more lines added throughout the editing history.
    • The original page had seventy-three lines and the current page has seventy-seven lines.