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Who am I


I'm Ray. Hi. How's it going? Yah, I know...me too. Eh? No I did not know that about llamas.

Areas of expertise


-PLATO computer system
-early history of MUD's
-avatar (Plato)
-oubliette (Plato)
-computer automation
-table tennis



Avatar (computer game)
Oubliette (disambiguation)
Table tennis

What I do in meatspace


client automation
WISE scripting

What is meatspace


yah, I didn't know that either. It's the "real" world where our fat blobs of flesh walk around and interact, rather than cyber-reality where is dawning a new age of consciousness. More on that later. What? I died before finishing this? Boo hoo. Oh well what you gonna do? It was a good run.



i play bass in a band called 'quagmire'. it has nothing to do with 'family guy' or involvement in foreign affairs. i love music and film.

My Wiki-philosophy


evenThis editor is an eventualist.