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Community Assignment

1. Select a leader to interview

  How does the leader define his/her community?

He describes his community as semi-urban based on its location in the west-central district/ Couva-Tabaquite-Talparo Region in Trinidad

2. How and why was the community formed?

The community was formed, due to the vast amount of farm-lands for livestock.

3. What common interests are shared? Agricultural and livestock grazing

Which of the following methods is the organization practicing?

a. Community Development

b. Community Organization

c. Community Capacity Building

d. Social Action

e. Social Planning

This community engages in Community Development by the acquisition of seedlings to aid in re-forestation.

4. What role has the organization played in the delivery of services to the community? The delivery of services to the community such as refuse collection is in the care of the CouvaTabaquite/Talparo/Regional Corporation.

5. How effectively has the organization played this role? The Regional corporation has been effective in managing the infrastructural needs of the community.