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User:RadioKAOS/Sandbox/Bios/Who's Who in Alaskan Politics

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Who's Who in Alaskan Politics was compiled by Evangeline Atwood (1906-1987) and Robert N. DeArmond (1911-2010) and published by Binford & Mort for the Alaska Historical Commission in 1977. The Alaska Historical Commission was established during the second governorship of William A. Egan several years prior. This was the first major work put out by the commission. Financial assistance for the actual printing of the books was provided by the Rasmuson Foundation. The next major work of the commission, produced under similar circumstances (i.e. published by Binford & Mort with major funding provided by the Rasmuson Foundation), was the Alaska bibliography compiled by Melvin B. Ricks, as edited by Stephen Haycox (later head of the history department at the University of Alaska Anchorage) and his wife.

The book contains brief biographical sketches of figures of major and medium significance to the political landscape of Alaska from 1884 to 1974. I have been using this book as a reference to Alaskan political biography for at least two decades. Strangely enough, in spite of its age, much of the biographical information on numerous entrants happens to be more up to date than what is found on Political Graveyard.

The purpose of this page is to list which entrants in this book do or do not have articles on Wikipedia. Individuals are listed below as they appear in the book, even if a different spelling is found here on Wikipedia (or elsewhere, for that matter). Any conflict between sources will be noted where applicable.

(Note: as this page is still under construction, names only are listed for the time being without links. The plan is to have those individuals with existing Wikipedia articles properly linked, redlinks for those individuals who are considered a priority to create an article, with the remainder of the names unlinked for the time being. If any real interest emerges in creating articles, virtually every name on this list could or should be considered to be notable, even if the names and details of their lives are considered obscure today.)

(*) denotes an entry in the book by virtue of the individual being the United States Secretary of the Interior, which was the federal agency primarily in charge of Alaska in pre-statehood days.


  • Conrad Earl Albrecht
  • Maj. George W. Albrecht
  • Frank A. T. Aldrich
  • George Forest Alexander
  • John Alexander
  • Allan Alexander "Scotty" Allan
  • William Prescott Allen
  • Clifford Merit Allyn
  • Gustaf Edward Almquist
  • Abel Anderson
  • Carl Dewey Anderson
  • Clarence L. "Andy" Anderson
  • Edward M. Anderson
  • Jacob P. Anderson
  • James H. Anderson
  • Robert Hamilton Anderson
  • Roy Anderson
  • Tury F. Anderson
  • Clinton Thom Andrews
  • Frank Angerman
  • Clarence "Clay" Antioquia
  • Harry O. Arend
  • Rev. Robert Rolland Armstrong
  • Winton Cumberland Arnold
  • Jack O'Hair Asher
  • John M. Asplund
  • Barton Atkins
  • Robert Bruce Atwood
  • Dorothy Awes
  • Fred M. Ayer


  • Harry Markley Badger
  • Dr. Edgar I. Baggen
  • Eben Gordon Bailey
  • Douglas B. Bailey
  • Joseph Bailey
  • Forbes L. Baker
  • Capt. George B. Baldwin
  • Joseph D. Balfe
  • Mottrone Dulany Ball
  • Richard Achilles Ballinger
  • Thomas J. Balone
  • Mildred Harshburger Banfield
  • Edward G. Barber
  • Doris Marian Barnes
  • Cecil Glen Barnett
  • F. Joseph Baronovich
  • Frank Barr
  • Jefferson B. Barry
  • Edward Lewis "Bob" Bartlett
  • George A. Bayer
  • William S. Bayless
  • Robert L. Beardsley
  • Maj. George D. Beaumont
  • Nicholas John Begich
  • Dr. Helen Beirne
  • Dr. Michael Francis Beirne
  • William Earnest Beltz
  • Charles O. Benjamin
  • Burton Ellsworth Bennett
  • Robert L. Bennett
  • Henry A. Benson
  • Monte Benson
  • Montgomery P. Berry
  • Joseph Betit
  • Lee Crawford Bettinger
  • Frank C. Bingham
  • Charles M. "Jim" Binkley
  • Ronald G. Birch
  • Harry A. Bishop
  • Arthur G. Blake
  • Cornelius Newton Bliss
  • Robert R. Blodgett
  • William K. Boardman
  • James J. Bogan
  • Scott Cordelle Bone
  • George Frank Boney
  • Robert Boochever
  • Richard R. Borer
  • John C. Boswell
  • Emily Boucher
  • Henry Aristide "Red" Boucher
  • Willard L. Bowman
  • John J. Boyce
  • David Newton Boyer
  • Edgar Paul Boyko
  • Frank A. Boyle
  • Dr. Frank M. Boyle
  • Mike Bradner
  • Howard C. Bradshaw
  • Carl Franklin Brady
  • John Green Brady
  • Kenneth L. Brady
  • Robert S. Bragaw
  • Alvin Oscar Bramstedt
  • Lawrence M. "Larry" Brayton
  • Franklin Russell Brenneman
  • Leo W. Breuer
  • Max Clifton Brewer
  • William E. Britt
  • Lester Bronson
  • James W. Brooks
  • John M. "Jack" Brooks
  • Cal M. Brosius
  • Charles Wesley Brown, Jr.
  • Frederick Merrill Brown
  • Harold D. Brown
  • Lyle K. Brown
  • Melville Cox Brown
  • Norman Cole Brown
  • Don Carlos Brownell
  • Dr. Levi M. Browning
  • John K. Brubaker
  • Miner W. Bruce
  • Maurice E. S. Brunelle
  • Elwood Bruner
  • Seaborn Jesse Buckalew, Jr.
  • John S. Bugbee
  • Donald M. Bullock
  • Edith R. Bullock
  • Charles Ernest Bunnell
  • Everett W. Buness
  • Charles G. Burdick
  • Lloyd Albert Burgess
  • Sydney Henry Burgh
  • Edmond Wayne Burke
  • William T. Burns
  • Donald A. Burr
  • Edward W. Burroughs
  • Harold J. Butcher
  • John Butrovich
  • George Henry Byer
  • Glen Byington


  • Augustine Benedict Cain
  • Thomas Cale
  • Daniel Callahan
  • Bruce Adolph Campbell
  • James R. Campbell
  • Frank B. Cannon
  • Chester C. "Red" Carlson
  • M. O. Carlson
  • Victor D. Carlson
  • Bernard Joseph Carr, Sr.
  • Lawrence John "Larry" Carr
  • Selwyn Carrol
  • Capt. James Carroll
  • Thomas P. Carroll
  • William W. Casey
  • Frank E. Cashel
  • Joseph J. Cella
  • Clifford Cernick
  • E. J. "Peter" Cessnun
  • Erford Elle "Al" Chamberlain
  • Arthur M. Chamberlin
  • Genie Chance
  • Catherine Chandler
  • Frank Xavier Chapados
  • Oscar Littleton Chapman
  • Dr. Wallace John Chapman
  • Emery W. Chapple, Jr.
  • Sidney Dean Charles
  • Dr. Will Henry Chase
  • Zina Reville "Zack" Cheney
  • Joseph Chilberg
  • Raymond C. Christiansen
  • Henry Wadsworth "Eskey" Clark
  • Walter Eli Clark
  • Charles J. Clasby
  • Monroe N. Clayton
  • Cecil Hunter Clegg
  • J. M. Clements
  • Maj. John P. Clum
  • John H. Cobb
  • Allison F. "Joe" Coble
  • Orville D. Cochran
  • Edward Daniel Coffey
  • John Bruce "Jack" Coghill
  • Charles E. Cole
  • Clarence Cash Cole
  • Michael J. Colletta
  • Ernest Bilbe Collins
  • Grenold Collins
  • Warren C. Colver
  • Roger George Connor
  • James Joseph Connors
  • Jack Dudley Conright
  • Frank Cook
  • Nathan H. Coombs
  • George D. Cooper
  • Joseph Earl Cooper
  • Stephen Cooper
  • William D. Coppernoll
  • Stanley P. Cornelius
  • Philip Corrigan
  • John W. Corson
  • Mary Lee Council
  • Dr. Walter Wooten Council
  • E. N. "Al" Courtney
  • Marrs Craddick
  • Fred D. Crane
  • Thomas J. Cresswell
  • Leland Chancy Croft
  • Elizabeth Patricia "Bess" Cross
  • John Milton Cross
  • James J. Crossley
  • Warren N. Cuddy
  • Geoffrey G. Currall
  • Thomas E. Curran, Jr.
  • John E. Curtis
  • Edward E. Cushman


  • Don M. Dafoe
  • Mrs. Essie Rock Dale
  • Alfred J. Daly
  • James Patrick Daly
  • Robert Alton Davenny
  • Charles Edward Davidson
  • John Haydn Davies
  • Edward V. Davis
  • James V. Davis
  • Dr. Leonard Pratt Dawes
  • Edward J. Dawne
  • Lafayette Dawson
  • Charles Marion Day
  • Robert Neil De Armond
  • Rev. Richard D. Decker
  • Charles O. Degnan
  • Frank A. Degnan
  • Arthur K. Delaney
  • Thomas Jones DeVane
  • Peter Maurice Deveau
  • Dr. Harry Carlos DeVigne
  • John F. DeVine
  • Karl F. Dewey
  • Joseph Bernard Diamond
  • Dr. William Maclean Dickson
  • Mrs. Barbara D. Dimock
  • Anthony Joseph Dimond
  • John Henry Dimond
  • Lewis M. Dischner
  • Gen. William Langmead Distin
  • Robert Irwin Ditman
  • William Sumner Dodge
  • Harry Donnelley
  • Thomas Joseph Donohoe
  • James Patrick Doogan
  • Albert Fuller Dorsh
  • Walter J. "Jack" Dowd
  • Thomas Keily Downes
  • Richard Alle Downing
  • Karl Allen Drager
  • Daniel Driscoll
  • Theodore Castleman Duffield
  • Sherman Duggan
  • John H. Dunn
  • John William Dunn


  • George W. Easley
  • Frederick Orlebar Eastaugh
  • William Cushing Edes
  • A. Cameron Edmondson
  • G. Kent Edwards
  • William Allen Egan
  • Richard Irving Eliason
  • Albert D. Elliot
  • Henry Wood Elliott
  • John J. Elliott
  • Malcolm Elliott
  • Tolbert E. Elliott
  • Robert Edmund Ellis
  • William S. Elmore
  • Richard E. Elsner
  • Truman C. Emberg
  • Gunnard Marshall Engebreth
  • Elton Egedeous Engstrom, Sr.
  • Elton Egedeous Engstrom, Jr.
  • Thelma Catherine Engstrom
  • Everett Russell Erickson
  • Guy Burton Erwin
  • Lewis T. "Stubbs" Erwin
  • Robert Cecil Erwin
  • William Matthews Erwin


  • Charles E. Fagerstrom
  • Bettye Fahrenkamp
  • Albert Bacon Fall
  • Elvis M. Farmer
  • Martin A. Farrell
  • Herbert Lionel Faulkner
  • Thomas Edgar Fenton, Jr.
  • Charles B. Ferguson
  • Frank R. Ferguson
  • Thomas A. Fink
  • Helen Marie Fischer
  • Victor Fischer
  • James Elliott Fisher
  • Walter G. Fisher
  • Walter L. Fisher
  • James Martin Fitzgerald
  • Joseph Harold Fitzgerald
  • Mrs. Marjorie Grace "Margee" Fitzpatrick
  • Joseph T. Flakne
  • George William Folta
  • Vernon D. Forbes
  • Don C. Foster
  • Frank H. Foster
  • Neal W. "Willie" Foster
  • Arthur Frame
  • John W. Frame
  • David Rowland Francis
  • Marvin S. Frankel
  • Glen D. Franklin
  • Charles J. Franz
  • Gail R. Fraties
  • James Frawley
  • Conrad F. Freeding
  • Oral E. Freeman
  • Richard W. Freer
  • Peter French
  • Robert A. Friedrich
  • Elmer A. Friend
  • Dr. Milo Herbert Fritz
  • Frederick Ernest Fuller
  • Milton John Furness


  • Thomas Gaffney
  • Elmer Eugene Gagnon
  • James L. Galen
  • James Rudolph Garfield
  • Anita Garnick
  • Kenneth A. Garrison
  • William W. Garrison
  • George M. Gary
  • George William Gasser
  • Peter Gatz
  • Ole Peter Gaustad
  • Maurice G. Gebhart
  • Lynn James Gemmill
  • Charles Christian Georgeson
  • George Elbert Getchell
  • Walter Waite Getchell
  • Frank P. Getman
  • Angelo Francesco Skinner Ghiglione
  • Dr. Harry V. Gibson
  • Joseph Robert Giersdorf
  • Hubert Anthony Gilbert
  • Oscar Stephen Gill
  • Jack T. Gilliland
  • Patrick Joseph Gilmore, Jr.
  • William Addison Gilmore
  • Maurice Wilfred Goding
  • Warren C. Gonnason
  • Frank Stark Gordon
  • Lester Otto Gore
  • John F. Gorsuch
  • Norman Clifford Gorsuch
  • Bernard J. Gottstein
  • John C. Gotwals
  • Whitaker McDonough Grant
  • William D. Grant
  • Maurice R. "Mike" Gravel
  • Clinton Gray
  • Hugh Douglas Gray
  • Robert D. Gray
  • Daniel L. Green
  • Joseph Kelso Green
  • Paul Greimann
  • Richard J. Greuel
  • Benjamin A. Grier
  • Edward Wellington "Ned" Griffin
  • Morris W. Griffith
  • George Barnes Grigsby
  • Melvin Grigsby
  • Clifford John Groh
  • Robert B. Groseclose
  • William N. Growden
  • Ernest Gruening
  • Floyd L. Guertin
  • Walter Eugene "Gene" Guess
  • Amelia Schafer Gunderson
  • Andrew W. Gunderson
  • Royal Arch Gunnison


  • Henry Lloyd Haag
  • Michael J. Haas
  • Dr. Paul Burns Haggland
  • John Barbee "Dixie" Hall
  • Robert A. "Bert" Hall
  • Jay Sterner Hammond
  • Fred G. Hanford
  • Harold Z. "Red" Hansen
  • James Arnold Hanson
  • Mildred Meiers Hansen
  • Richard Egbert Hardcastle
  • Justin Woodward Harding
  • Nathan O. Hardy
  • Nathan V. Harlan
  • Henry Alois Harmon
  • Martin Luther Harrais
  • Mrs. Alice Harrigan
  • Arthur J. Harris
  • Donald Harris
  • Frank W. Harris
  • Jesse James "Jess" Harris
  • Thomas C. Harris
  • David C. Harrison
  • William Frederick Harrison
  • Julius H. Hart
  • Robert Lee Hartig
  • Clifford Richard Hartman
  • Edward W. Haskett
  • Edwin T. Hatch
  • Cornelia Templeton Hatcher
  • Ernest J. Haugen
  • John E. Havelock
  • James E. Hawkins
  • William H. Hawley
  • Henry E. Hayden
  • George Nicholas Hayes
  • Dr. Charles R. Hayman
  • George Cheever Hazelet
  • James Robert "Bob" Heckman
  • John Godlove Heid
  • Benjamin Franklin Heintzleman
  • Walter B. Heisel
  • Walter G. Hellan
  • John Albertus "Jack" Hellenthal
  • John Simon Hellenthal
  • Simon Hellenthal
  • George Hellerich
  • Lester Dale Henderson
  • Waino Edward Hendrickson
  • Chris Hennings
  • Joseph Ross Henri
  • William L. Hensley
  • Everett Warne Hepp
  • Charles Francis "Chuck" Herbert
  • Mildred Robinson Hermann
  • Russell Royden "Chee" Hermann
  • Paul Clinton Herring
  • Harriet Belle Hess
  • Luther Constantine Hess
  • William H. Hesse
  • Dr. Robert Worth Hiatt
  • Walter Joseph Hickel
  • Daniel W. Hickey
  • August G. Hiebert
  • Edward Coke Hill
  • Earl D. Hillstrand
  • Munson Curtis Hillyer
  • Herbert Henry Hilscher
  • Jack Hinckel
  • Ethan Allen Hitchcock
  • Clarence L. Hobart
  • Walter Hartman Hodge
  • H. Jay Hodges
  • James Hoffman
  • Joseph S. Hofman
  • Wilford Bacon Hoggatt
  • George Harold Hohman, Jr.
  • Philip Ross Holdsworth
  • Thomas Henry Holland
  • Edith Holm
  • John Holm
  • Edgar Luther Holt
  • Georgina Nesbit Holzheimer
  • William Andrew Holzheimer
  • Robert Hoopes
  • Andrew P. Hope
  • Marshall C. Hoppin
  • Eben Hopson
  • Bartley Howard
  • Henry Martyn Hoyt
  • Oliver Perry Hubbard
  • John Huber
  • Allen D. Hulen
  • Forest J. Hunt
  • Harriet E. Frost Hunt
  • Earle L. Hunter
  • Walter Elliott Huntley
  • James J. Hurley
  • Julien A. Hurley


  • Harold L. Ickes
  • Charles E. Ingersoll
  • Hunter B. Ingram
  • Percy Ipalook
  • George R. Irving
  • Brig. Gen. James H. Isbell
  • Capt. Joseph W. Ivey


  • Barry W. Jackson
  • Sheldon Jackson
  • Gilbert A. Jarvela
  • David Henry Jarvis
  • Crystal Snow Jenne
  • Robert William Jennings
  • Marcus Frederick Jensen
  • Thomas D. Jensen
  • Ernest Forrest Jessen
  • Arthur D. Johnson
  • Axel C. Johnson
  • Bjorn Gilbert Johnson
  • Charles Sumner Johnson
  • Frank Glonnee Johnson
  • Frank L. Johnson
  • Grace Johnson
  • John Earl Johnson
  • John Patrick Johnson
  • Kenneth Charles Johnson
  • Lars L. "Larry" Johnson
  • Maurice Theodore Johnson
  • Sam E. Johnson
  • Fred B. Johnston
  • Walker S. Johnston
  • Charles Davenport Jones
  • Charles M. Jones
  • Emmett Robert Jordan
  • Joseph Paul Josephson
  • Louis F. Joy
  • Thomas B. Judson
  • Victor A. Julien


  • Kenneth W. Kadow
  • Peter J. Kalamarides
  • Frank E. Kalbaugh
  • Anthony Edmund Karnes
  • Wendell Palmer Kay
  • Clarence Keating
  • John H. Keatley
  • Joseph W. Kehoe
  • William Kenneth Keller
  • Milo Kelly
  • Raymond John Kelly
  • Thomas E. Kelly
  • Bruce Biers Kendall
  • Daniel O'Connell Kennedy
  • James Charles Kennedy
  • Jalmar M. "Jay" Kerttula
  • Theodore Kettleson
  • Edward M. Keys
  • Yule F. Kilcher
  • Leonard H. King
  • Walter Bradley King
  • John Henry Kinkead
  • Walter Kirkness
  • Lyman Enos Knapp
  • William Wellington Knight
  • Janis Marvin Koslosky
  • Kazis Krauczunas
  • Joseph Francis Krause
  • Julius Albert Krug
  • Walter Lawrence Kubley


  • Charles H. "Alabam" Laboyteaux
  • George F. Laiblin
  • Jacob Laktonen
  • Lucius Quintus Cincinnatus Lamar
  • Jesse Dewayne Lander
  • Lee H. Landis
  • Franklin Knight Lane
  • Austin Eugene "Cap" Lathrop
  • William W. Laws
  • Eldor R. Lee
  • Dr. Walter Howard Le Fevre
  • Bennie L. Leonard
  • Andrew T. Lewis
  • Clyde R. "C. R." Lewis
  • Eben Herbert Lewis
  • William Lloyd "Dan" Lhamon
  • John Lichtenberg
  • Alaska Stewart Linck
  • Marshall Lee Lind
  • George Archibald Lingo
  • Fr. Segundo Llorente
  • John H. Lloyd, Jr.
  • Edward Locken
  • Balfour John "Bob" Logan
  • Alfred Julian Lomen
  • Gudbrand J. Lomen
  • Ralph Lomen
  • Rev. Maynard D. Londborg
  • John E. Longworth
  • William Thomas Lopp
  • Carl Fredrik Lottsfeldt
  • Henry K. Love
  • Donald Lowell
  • Howard Lyng
  • Thomas R. Lyons


  • George R. MacClanahan
  • Roderick M. MacKenzie
  • James Simpson MacKinnon
  • Morrell Lewis "Molly" MacSpadden
  • George P. Madsen
  • William Thomas Mahoney
  • Byron I. Mallott
  • J. Hugh Malone
  • William R. Mahoney
  • John Edgar Manders
  • John E. Manley
  • Thomas A. Marquam
  • John B. Marshall
  • Marvin R. "Muktuk" Marston
  • Garnet W. Martin
  • Verne O. Martin
  • John D. Mason
  • Howard A. Matthews
  • Russell G. Maynard
  • Samuel Ward McAllister, Jr.
  • John C. "Jack" McBride
  • Harry Golden McCain
  • James N. McCain
  • James Lewis McCarrey, Jr.
  • Robert S. McCombe
  • John McCormick
  • Peter Constantine McCormack
  • Herbert Hazard McCutcheon
  • Stanley McCutcheon
  • Stephan Douglas McCutcheon
  • Joseph A. McDonald
  • J. Scott McDonald
  • Thomas F. McGann
  • Joseph E. McGill
  • John L. McGinn
  • Frederick P. McGinnis
  • Robert J. "Mickey" McKanna
  • Douglas McKay
  • Alexander McKenzie
  • Lee Lawrence McKinley
  • Donald A. McKinnon
  • George M. McLaughlin
  • Joseph Alexander McLean
  • George Brinkworth McNabb, Jr.
  • Robert James McNealy
  • John A. McNees
  • Theodore R. McRoberts
  • Blanche Preston McSmith
  • Richard Laurence McVeigh
  • Col. Frederick Mears
  • Lawrence William Meath
  • Edward R. "Russ" Meekins
  • Edward R. "Russ" Meekins, Jr.
  • H. D. "Pete" Meland
  • Henry W. Mellen
  • James C. Merbs
  • Edward A. Merdes
  • Frank A. Metcalf
  • Irwin Logan Metcalfe
  • Vernon M. Metcalfe
  • Benjamin Franklin Millard
  • Alex Miller
  • Eugene Vernon Miller
  • JoAnn Miller
  • Keith Harvey Miller
  • Mrs. Louise Miller
  • Mortimer Michael "Mike" Miller
  • Norman Dale Miller
  • Terry Miller
  • Claude Millsap, Jr.
  • George J. Miscovich
  • George Clifford Moody
  • Ralph E. Moody
  • Alfred Stibbs Moore
  • Benjamin P. Moore
  • Martin B. Moore
  • Mortimer M. Moore
  • Neil F. Moore
  • Dr. Terris Moore
  • Thomas James Moore
  • Martin Franklin Moran
  • William J. Moran
  • James Henderson Stuart Morison
  • Owen D. Morken
  • William Gouverneur Morris
  • George A. Morrison
  • Rogers Clark Ballard Morton
  • Homer W. Moseley
  • Carl E. Moses
  • Benjamin B. Mozee
  • James J. Mulalley
  • G. M. Mundy
  • William A. Munley
  • Theodore Munson
  • William S. Munz
  • Cornelius D. Murane
  • Frank Hughes Murkowski
  • Jeremiah C. "Jerry" Murphy
  • Charles J. Murray
  • Joseph H. Murray


  • Edward F. Naughton
  • Conrad F. "Nick" Necrason
  • Urban C. "Pete" Nelson
  • Andrew Nerland
  • Arthur Leslie Nerland
  • Buell A. Nesbett
  • Harry F. Newell
  • John Paul Newmarker
  • Stanley Joseph Nichols
  • William J. Niemi
  • John Willock Noble
  • Wallace H. Noerenberg
  • James Nolan
  • John Noon
  • Theophilus J. "Theo" Norby
  • Alfeld Hjalmar Nordale
  • Alton Gerald Nordale
  • Anton Johann Nordale
  • Katherine Driscoll Nordale
  • James E. Norene
  • Emil Reynold Notti
  • Arthur H. Noyes
  • John R. Noyes
  • John Nusunginya
  • Andrew Nylen


  • C. J. "Connie" Occhipinti
  • John W. O'Connell
  • Otto Frederick Ohlson
  • Robert W. Oliver
  • William O'Connor
  • Lloyd Clarence Olsen
  • William Holman Olsen
  • Oscar G. Olson
  • Robert D. Olson
  • Hugh O'Neil
  • Robert N. Opland
  • Edmund N. Orbeck
  • Edward S. Orr
  • Joseph L. Orsini
  • Alfred O. Ose
  • John Joseph O'Shea
  • Ludvig Evald Ost
  • Peter D. Overfield
  • Alfred Aaron Owen


  • Harry B. Palmer
  • Walter I. "Bob" Palmer
  • Walter B. Parker
  • William K. Parker
  • George Alexander Parks
  • James C. Parsons
  • James Henry Patterson
  • Dr. Ernest Newton Patty
  • Moses Paukan
  • William Louis Paul
  • John Barton Payne
  • Grant Harold Pearson
  • Nicholas R. Peckinpaugh
  • George Washington Pennington
  • Wayne M. Peppler
  • Frank Peratrovich
  • Col. William T. Perkins
  • Mrs. Bertha Perrine
  • George E. Perry
  • Melvin J. Personnett
  • Richard L. Peter
  • Allan L. Peterson
  • Almer J. Peterson
  • Lawrence D. Peterson
  • Bradford E. Phillips
  • Vance W. Phillips
  • Lucille Pinkerton
  • Walter P. Plett
  • M. Daniel Plotnick
  • Raymond Eugene Plummer
  • William T. Plummer
  • Kathryn R. Poland
  • William Merle Poland
  • Clayton Armstrong Pollard
  • Ernest Milton Polley
  • Howard Wallack Pollock
  • Orville Porter
  • Wallace C. Porter
  • Alfred M. Post
  • Chris Peter Poulson
  • Charles A. "Chuck" Powell
  • Thomas Cader Powell
  • John B. Powers
  • Max Pracht
  • Harry Emerson Pratt
  • Henry S. Pratt, Jr.
  • Frank D. Price
  • John Garland Price
  • Robert E. Price
  • Thomas C. Price
  • Dorothy Mary Prior
  • John Fraser "Jack" Pugh


  • Jay Andrew Rabinowitz
  • Harry Ronald Race
  • John Lafayette Rader
  • Eric Richard Raelson
  • Richard "Dick" Randolph
  • Edward Anton Rasmuson
  • Elmer Edwin Rasmuson
  • Elbert E. Ray
  • Leroy Vincent Ray
  • William L. Ray
  • Peter L. Reader
  • William W. Redmond
  • Irving McKenny Reed
  • Morgan W. Reed
  • Pauline Hovey Reed
  • Thomas Milburne Reed
  • August F. "Augie" Reetz
  • Janice Beverly "Tillie" Reeve
  • Robert Campbell Reeve
  • Fred O. Reger
  • Eugene C. Reid
  • Silas Hinkle Reid
  • Carl Thomas Rentschler
  • Ron L. Rettig
  • Clarence J. Rhode
  • Leo Rhode
  • Frank H. Richards
  • Wilds Preston Richardson
  • Charles A. Richmond
  • Paul John Rickert
  • Thomas Christmas Riggs, Jr.
  • Burke Riley
  • Elmer E. Ritchie
  • Ralph Julian Rivers
  • Victor Claudius Rivers
  • James Raymond Roady
  • Ralph Elliott "Bob" Robertson
  • Paul F. Robison
  • Henry Roden
  • John Rochester "Jack" Roderick
  • Bernard Shandon Rodey
  • Charles D. Rogers
  • James G. Rogers
  • Leo William Rogge
  • H. Henry Roloff
  • A. H. "Abe" Romick
  • John "Jack" Ronan
  • Nissel A. "Mike" Rose
  • Hosea H. Ross
  • Robert A. Ross
  • John H. Rosswog
  • Rhinehart F. Roth
  • Richard Carl Rothenburg
  • Christian A. Roust
  • Edward Crawford Russell, Jr.
  • John Rustgard
  • Bert C. Rutherford
  • Irene E. Ryan
  • James Cecil Ryan
  • John Joseph "Jack" Ryan
  • Richard S. Ryan
  • Almer Rydeen


  • John C. Sackett
  • William Hobart Sanders
  • Charles J. "Chuck" Sassara, Jr.
  • H. M. Saxton
  • Aubrey M. "Bud" Saylors
  • Jack Frederick Scavenius
  • John D. "Jack" Schleppegrell
  • George D. Schofield
  • Thomas E. Schulz
  • John Anthony Schwamm
  • Nell Scott
  • Thomas S. Scott
  • Tolbert Paton Scott
  • Frederick Andrew Seaton
  • Frank See
  • George Sexton
  • Lewis P. Shackleford
  • Walter P. Sharpe
  • George Sharrock
  • Allen Shattuck
  • Curtis Gordon Shattuck
  • James Sheakley
  • Robert Edwards "Bobbie" Sheldon
  • H. Royal Shepard
  • Thurman D. Sherard
  • William A. Sherman
  • Arthur Glendenning Shoup
  • James McCain Shoup
  • George Constantine Silides
  • Jack R. Simpson
  • James Keith Singleton, Jr.
  • Norbert H. Skinner
  • H. A. Slater
  • Dr. L. O. Sloane
  • James A. Smiser
  • Donald Joseph Smith
  • Donald Lee Smith
  • Harvey J. Smith
  • Hoke Smith
  • W. Leonard Smith
  • Lynn Smith
  • V. Maurice Smith
  • Margery Goding Smith
  • Noel Smith
  • Robert L. Smith
  • Sumner S. Smith
  • Walstein G. Smith
  • Walter Osborne "Bo" Smith
  • Charles Willis "Bill" Snedden
  • Gerrit "Heinie" Snider
  • Milton D. Snodgrass
  • Chester Kingsley Snow
  • Herbert D. Soll
  • Robert James Sommers
  • Isaac "Ike" Sowerby
  • Keith W. Specking
  • William N. Spence
  • Chester T. Spences
  • John T. Spickett
  • Howard Douglas Stabler
  • Howard P. Staley
  • Jacob A. "Jake" Stalker
  • Stuart L. Stangroom
  • Bruce Ingle Staser
  • Harry Ingle Staser
  • Harry G. Steel
  • William Alexander Steel
  • Cosby E. Steen
  • Col. James Gordon Steese
  • Michael Anthony Stepovich
  • Theodore Fulton Stevens
  • Gilbert B. Stevens
  • Robert Douglas Stevenson
  • Benjamin Duane Stewart
  • Thomas Byrd Stewart
  • William C. Strand
  • Harold David Strandberg
  • Robert Walker Stratton, Jr.
  • Herald E. Stringer
  • John Franklin Alexander Strong
  • William Stubbins
  • George Murray Sullivan
  • Harvey P. Sullivan
  • Leroy M. Sullivan
  • Charles August Sulzer
  • John Sundback
  • George Walter Sundborg
  • Richard N. Sundquist
  • Donald Alexander "Dan" Sutherland
  • N. J. Svindseth
  • Nels Swanberg
  • Leslie E. "Red" Swanson
  • Dora M. Sweeney
  • John McCamey Sweet
  • Alfred P. Swineford


  • Buel "Tex" Taggart
  • Josiah M. "Si" Tanner
  • Thomas Bernard Tansey
  • Edgar R. Tarwater
  • Ike Pendleton Taylor
  • Lytton Taylor
  • Warren Arthur Taylor
  • Warren William Taylor
  • Karl "Frank George" Thiele
  • Lowell Thomas, Jr.
  • Morris Thompson
  • Sidney J. Thompson
  • William Fentress Thompson
  • Clement Vincent Tillion
  • Harold W. "Hal" Tobey
  • Emery Fridolf Tobin
  • William J. Tobin
  • Chester J. Todd
  • Felix J. Toner
  • Herman Tilden Tripp
  • Ethel Crocker Forgy Troy
  • John Weir Troy
  • James Steele Truitt
  • Warren D. Truitt
  • John Randolph Tucker


  • Stewart Lee Udall
  • Eldon Robert Ulmer
  • Martin B. Underwood
  • Richard K. "Rick" Urion


  • Emory Valentine
  • Herman Raymond "Van" Vanderleest
  • Gerald J. Van Hoomissen
  • Cornelius Lansing Vawter
  • William Freeman Vilas
  • Virgil Deane Vochoska
  • Joseph E. Vogler
  • James Arnold von der Heydt
  • Stephen Vukovich


  • Hugh Joseph Wade
  • Arthur P. Walker
  • George R. Walker
  • Norman Ray Walker
  • Michael Joseph Walsh
  • Pearse M. "Pete" Walsh
  • Walter Edward Walsh
  • Benjamin O. Walters, Jr.
  • James N. Wanamaker
  • Robert W. Ward
  • Thomas M. Wardell
  • Clifford E. Warren
  • Roscoe R. "Bud" Warren
  • Andrew S. "Andy" Warwick
  • Frank Hinman Waskey
  • Harry Glover Watson
  • William I. Waugaman
  • William H. Waugh
  • Jack G. Webb
  • Jack E. Weise
  • James K. Wells
  • Noel K. Wennbloom
  • John R. Werner
  • John R. "Jack" Werner
  • Roy Owen West
  • John L. Westdahl
  • Frank H. Whaley
  • Albert White
  • Barrie Moseley White
  • Elmer John "Stroller" White
  • Jack Harold White
  • Margaret Nefsy White
  • William Massie Whitehead
  • Reginald Norman Whitman
  • Richard L. Whittaker
  • James Wickersham
  • Alfred E. Widmark
  • Ada Bering Wien
  • William C. Wiggins
  • Alden L. Wilbur
  • Ray Lyman Wilbur
  • Charles Herbert Wilcox
  • Claire Almon Wilder
  • J. Gerald Williams
  • Llewellyn Morris Williams
  • Llewellyn Morris Williams, Jr.
  • Louis Littlepage Williams
  • Fred S. Williamson
  • John R. Willis
  • Emmitt Wilson
  • James W. Wilson
  • John A. Wilson
  • I. Lavell Wilson
  • Grover Cleveland "Ki" Winn
  • Paul Winsor
  • Francis X. "Frank" Wirth
  • John Wittemeyer
  • Eric Evan Wohlforth
  • Sigurd Wold
  • Joseph K. Wood
  • Dr. William Ransom Wood
  • Clarence Jefferson Woofter
  • Hubert Work
  • William E. Worth
  • Donald R. Wright
  • Dr. Joshua J. Wright
  • Jules Wright


  • Robert K. Yandell
  • George McClellan Yeager
  • Donald E. Young
  • Russell Kennedy Young


  • William T. Zahradnicek
  • Adolph Holton Ziegler
  • Robert Holton Ziegler