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User:RTG/Creative energy and needful things

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

An artist gets a sustained burst of creative energy. It's not easy to explain but every day for almost a year he produces an expert painting. These paintings range in quality from quite good to almost masterpeice. Within weeks he is a star in the art industry and by the end of the year he is a household name in his own country with a certain amount of recognition overseas. "How do you do it, James Bob?", the reporters keep asking him. "I just got this burst of creative energy", he says. Sometimes it seems like he is describing his creative energy every day. So when it comes to writing James Bobs Wikipedia article, a fan of his starts it under his catch phrase Creative Energy. Over time a lot of wiki-discussion develops about James Bob and his Creative Energy. People start to make redirects from entries such as Artistic Flair and Artistic Genius. Next thing you know, everything from a Touch of Pizazz to that extra Splash of Colour is a redirect to Creative Energy.

Next we move on to Mary Louise who worked for a pharmacy most of her youth. Her job was to attract business. Her specialty was choosing products. She stocked products that were so good, people often wondered how they got along without them. Needful things as Mary Louise would describe them and she went on to be so successful that she opened a chain of department stores which took business from Wal-Mart. Mary settled down and wrote a series of books called, Needful Things. The main wiki-article on Mary was of course based around Needful Things but she was so good at what she wrote that little redirects were made about what they might call Needful Things in other countries. First off Useful Items were redirected there with Good Purchases and Money Well Spent. In the end everything from Exciting Products to Worthwhile Shopping became a redirect to the article about Mary Louise Needful Things.