I will be contributing to Wikipedia in several arenas including history of film, philately, Native Americans with focus upon the Podunk (people) and possibly information technology (IT) with emphasis upon digital forensics and computer security. IT has been my profession for more than 40 years and more than 35 years in information security. The history of film is simply a passion to which I have already contributed whereas I have done extensive research on the Podunks.
Immediately, I will work on the Podunks as I complete my research and dedicate a web site to them. Much has been published about them in fragments, but there is not any cohesive gathering and presentation of the information that I can locate. Having been raised on their stomping grounds I have collected many references before jumping head long into this research a little more than a year ago.
My approach on the Podunks will be as follows:
- Update the entry on Adriaen Block to reflect the impact he had by sailing the Connecticut River and meeting with the Podunks at the mouth of the river now named the Podunk River.
- Make an entry for Peter Hager, Adrian Block's cabin boy who remained with the Podunks when Block returned to Holland.
- Make an entry for Wunneeneetunah, the Indian maiden who married Peter Hager.
- Expand the Podunk (people) entry to cover their history including a murder and trial, asking the Massachusetts Colonists to come to the lower Connecticut River Valley as well as their support in King Philip's War.