Hello! I am a plant nerd with a focus on monstera and some philodendron. I have a good sized plant collection, all the images I add to articles are of my own specimens :-)
My favorite plant is monstera burle marx flame, though because there are no recorded instances in the wild due to deforestation, it's considered a cultivar (discovered and grown by the late great Burle Marx) rather than having an official species designation within the monstera genus. I'd like to write an article for it someday, though! My favorite recognized species is either m. croatii or m. acacoyaguensis. There are a few others I really like but I can't consider them my favorites because I've never seen them in person, such as m. filamentosa.
Other interests: economics, computers, water, alternative energy sources, engineering, video games, Scrabble, US law, the US Supreme Court
My original articles
Articles I want to create:
Monstera donosoensis
Monstera gentryi
Monstera gigas
Monstera kikiae
Monstera mittermeieri
Monstera momoi
Monstera pittieri
Monstera planadensis
Monstera praetermissa
Monstera spruceana
Monstera tablasensis
Monstera tarrazuensis
Monstera tenuis
Monstera titanum
Monstera vasquezii
Monstera wilsoniensis
Monstera xanthospatha
Philodendron alternans
Philodendron atabapoense
Philodendron camposportoanum
Philodendron elegans
Philodendron findens
Philodendron furcatum
Philodendron heterocraspedon
Philodendron lupinum
Philodendron longilobatum
Philodendron mayoi
Philodendron mexicanum
Philodendron panduriforme
Philodendron pedatum
Philodendron polypodiodes
Philodendron radiatum
Philodendron roseocataphyllum
Philodendron roseospathum
Philodendron rubrijuvenile
Philodendron serpens
Philodendron squamicaule
Philodendron subhastatum
Philodendron tortum
Philodendron warszewiczii
Articles I want to add images of my plants to:
Monstera praetermissa
Monstera croatii
Monstera aureopinnata
Monstera dissecta
Monstera subpinnata
Philodendron atabapoense
Philodendron camposportoanum
Philodendron mayoi
Philodendron mexicanum
Philodendron subhastatum
Articles I've added pictures to:
Monstera membranacea
Monstera acacoyaguensis