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The following are the Liberty's Kids episodes, with links to relevant historical articles.

# Title Subjects covered Plot Mystery guest
1 Boston Tea Party Boston Tea Party Sarah arrives in America aboard the H.M.S. Dartmouth[disambiguation needed], but Moses, James and Henri aren't the only ones there to meet the ship. Sam Adams leads a gang of patriots aboard to destroy the tea cargo in protest, and the kids are caught in the middle. Samuel Adams
2 Intolerable Acts Intolerable Acts James, Sarah, Henri and Moses are stuck in Boston at the home of Phillis Wheatley when Boston is under curfew due to the Acts Phillis Wheatley
3 United We Stand First Continental Congress James covers the First Continental Congress, while Sarah travels to Boston to supply the resistence movement Abigail Adams
4 Liberty or Death Give me Liberty, or give me Death! Having travelled to Virginia to buy a new press, Moses sees his brother Cato about to be sold into slavery, and attempts to stop it, while the kids hear that Patrick Henry is about to rally the southern patriots. Patrick Henry
5 Midnight Ride Midnight Ride of Paul Revere James and Sarah travel to Boston with a message from the Mechanics, reconnoitre with Dr. Warren, and join Paul Revere and William Dawes on their midnight ride
6 The Shot Heard Round the World Battles of Lexington and Concord James and Sarah witness the Battles of Lexington and Concord, where Sarah's cousin Tom is killed John Parker
7 Green Mountain Boys Capture of Fort Ticonderoga James and Sarah meet up with Ethan Allen and the Green Mountain Boys in Vermont, watch them drive away a portly landowner, then stow away with Allen and Benedict Arnold when they capture Fort Ticonderoga Ethan Allen
8 Second Continental Congress The Second Continental Congress A British spy urges James and Henri to find out what's going on in the closed sessions of the Second Continental Congress. Meanwhile, Sarah and Moses schmooze George Washington, a delegate to the Congress and the newly-chosen general of the Continental Army John Hancock
9 Bunker Hill Battle of Bunker Hill James witnesses the Battle of Bunker Hill from the Amiercan camp, while Sarah is in the British camp looking for a British soldier who is killed in action Joseph Warren
10 Postmaster General Franklin Benjamin Franklin James and Sarah attempt to deliver mail between Philadelphia and New York, meeting with a committee of correspondence on the way. Meanwhile, Franklin is apointed Postmaster General by the Second Continental Congress John Adams
11 Washington Takes Command Siege of Boston
George Washington
The gang winters in Boston, where General Washington takes command and lifts the British occupation of Boston. James joins Henry Knox on his sojourn to Fort Ticonderoga George Washington
12 Common Sense Common Sense Ben's old friend Thomas Paine comes by to ask them to print his book Common Sense, which makes the case for breaking away from Britain. James and Henri are inspired, but Sarah is repulsed by the notion of rebellion and won't even read it. Thomas Paine
13 The First Fourth of July Declaration of Independence James attempts to find out more about the debate over the Declaration; he rounds up delegates from New Jersey and Delaware. Meanwhile, Sarah goes through Thomas Jefferson's trash Thomas Jefferson
14 New York, New York New York and New Jersey campaign Sarah visits Mrs. Radcliffe, a New York Loyalist. Meanwhile, James witness the loss of New York City to the British, and Henri pretends to be an American spy Betsy Ross
15 The Turtle The Turtle Hearing rumors of a sea monster in New York Harbor, the kids investigate and stumble across David Bushnell and his prototype submarine. They also run into Admiral Richard Howe, the commander of the British fleet in New York David Bushnell
16 One Life to Lose Nathan Hale The kids discover that Natan Hale is a spy, and witness his execution. Meanwhile, James is almost impressed into the British Navy and Franklin attends the Staten Island Peace Conference Nathan Hale
17 Captain Molly Battle of Fort Washington
Margaret Corbin
Sarah encamps with Molly Pitcher at Fort Tryon, while James witnesses the loss of Forts Tryon and Washington to the British Thomas Jefferson
18 American Crisis The American Crisis,
New York and New Jersey campaign
James and Sarah witness the terrible conditions of the Continental Army after defeats in New York and New Jersey, and return to Philadelphia to help Thomas Paine publish The American Crisis Robert Bell
19 Across the Delaware Washington's crossing of the Delaware
Battle of Trenton
James learns of a plan to attack the British before enlistments run out, then crosses the Delaware with Washington before the Battle of Trenton John Honeyman
20 American in Paris Franklin in France, Forage War Franklin, now ambassador to France, works tirelessly to get military aid from the French foreign minister Vergennes. Meanwhile, James meets up with Capt. Alexander Hamilton on the way to Washington's winter encampment at Morristown, New Jersey , and Sarah contracts smallpox in Boston. Alexander Hamilton
21 Sybil Lundington Sybil Ludington
Battle of Ridgefield
James goes to Connecticut to learn of Colonel Henry Ludington, and instead learns of the exploits of the "female Paul Revere". Meanwhile, Sarah is again with Benedict Arnold, and both witness the destruction of Danbury by the British. Sybil Ludington
22 Lafayette Arrives Marquis de Lafayette
Battle of Brandywine
Lafayette arrives in Philadelphia and meets the kids before offering his services to the Continental Congress. He is later wounded at the Battle of Brandywine Sarah Fulton
23 The Hessians are Coming Saratoga Campaign Both James and Sarah witness the Battle of Saratoga, Sarah from her coverage of Benedict Arnold, and James from the vantage point of being tied to a Hessian deserter Sarah Fulton
24 Valley Forge Valley Forge James and Sarah see the hardship that Joseph Plumb Martin and other foot soldiers endure during the war; Washington faces a possible mutiny; von Steuben drills Washington's troops Baron von Steuben
25 Allies at Last Franco-American Alliance
Rhode Island Loyalty Oath
Franklin is able to negotiate a treaty of alliance and an audience with King Louis XVI. Meanwhile, James and Moses travel to Newport, Rhode Island and meet with Jewish merchant Moses Michael Hayes, and Sarah and Henri remain in occupied Philadelphia. Moses Michael Hayes
26 Honor and Compromise Articles of Confederation
Battle of Monmouth
The Continental Congress in York is divided among factions lead by Richard Henry Lee and Samuel Chase. Meanwhile, Washington has to deal with opposition from General Charles Lee with regard to his battle strategy. Abraham Nenhem
27 The New Frontier Cornstalk
Fort Wilson riot
In Philadelphia, James encounters mob violence against James Wilson. Meanwhile, Sarah is on the Ohio frontier, where she encounters her father and Shawnee chief Cornstalk. Cornstalk
28 Not Yet Begun to Fight Battle of Flamborough Head Shipwrecked on her way back to England, Sarah is rescued by the Bonhomme Richard, and in the midst of battle, John Paul Jones helps her see that her true loyalty lies with America John Paul Jones
29 The Great Galvez Bernardo de Galvez James is on the frontier, where he meets George Rodgers Clark and Bernando de Galvez, the latter at the Battle of Fort Charlotte. Meanwhile, Sarah is in England. Bernardo de Galvez
30 In Praise of Ben Benjamin Franklin When Sarah arrives back from England, she finds Henri fighting with a young boy. Henri explains that he has done this because the boy was saying bad things about Ben Franklin. The boy says he only said this because that is what his father said. So, Sarah, Moses, and James explain to the boy about Ben Franklin's life and inventions. Benjamin Franklin
31 Bostonians Cherry Valley massacre
Adams Family
Sarah again visits the Adams family, when John is drafting the Massachusetts Constitution and preparing for a diplomatic mission to Europe. Meanwhile, James learns the horrors of the war for native Americans from Iroquois chief Joseph Brant Joseph Brant
32 Benedict Arnold Benedict Arnold James is interviewing skinners when they capture British spy Andre, who's carrying blueprints of West Point. Finding out where he got them, James must later comfort Sarah when her friend, General Arnold, is unmasked as a traitor. Benedict Arnold
33 Conflict in the South Southern theater of the American Revolutionary War James tags along with General Nathanael Greene on his campaign in the South. Meanwhile, Sarah is horrified that Thomas Jefferson owns slaves Nathanael Greene
34 Deborah Samson: Soldier of the Revolution Deborah Sampson
Battle of Rhode Island
Sarah meets Deborah Samson, a female soldier who enlisted under the identity Robert Shurtleff. Meanwhile, General Washington attempts to organize an offensive with General Rochambeau from their base in Rhode Island, and Vergennes attempts to organize a peace conference with the British Deborah Sampson
35 James Armistead James Armistead Encamped with Lafayette's army in Virginia, Henri enlists as a drummer boy and Sarah meets slave and double agent James Armistead. Meanwhile, General Washington prepares for a major offensive against the British James Armistead
36 Yorktown Siege of Yorktown James and Sarah witness the epic battle of Yorktown. Meanwhile, Moses' brother may not get the freedom he was promised, since the British lost.
37 Born Free and Equal Mum Bett Sarah travels to the Berkshires and learns of Mum Bett, a slave who sued for her freedom and won. Meanwhile, King George III is unwilling to admit that England has lost the war.
38 The Man Who Wouldn't Be King Newburgh Conspiracy When interviewing Washington, James learns that officers in the Continental Army want to overthrow the government and install Washington as dictator, something Washington finds abhorrent. The episode ends with Washington going to Annapolis and resigning his commission. Benjamin West
39 Going Home Shay's Rebellion James visits Daniel Shays, who is upset about the conditions Revolutionary War veterans are facing and leads a rebellion to shut the government down. In New York, Sarah again vists her Loyalist friend Mrs. Radcliffe, who ends up moving to Canada with Moses' brother Cato. Meanwhile, James considers buying a newspaper, Henri decides to go to France with Lafayette, and Franklin returns to America with Lady Phillips. Daniel Shays
40 We the People Philadelphia Convention James and Sarah attempt to find out what is going on at the Constitutional Convention, and Moses is upset that the constitution does not abolish slavery. James Madison