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User:Pup shilo/sandbox

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Sheia, N. (2008, November). Cavern of Crystal Giants. Retrieved April 15, 2017, from http://ngm.nationalgeographic.com/2008/11/crystal-giants/shea-text

Yeager, A. (2017, March 08). Microbes survived inside giant cave crystals for up to 50,000 years. Retrieved April 15, 2017, from https://www.sciencenews.org/article/microbes-survived-inside-giant-cave-crystals-50000-years

These two sources will be used to include further information that was not found in the current article and to verify some information to see if it is correct if not we can determine which are true and which need to be corrected.

Another discovery in the cave of crystals is that there was "Weird life" found in these trapped in the underground crystals according to a NASA researcher. The creatures live off of Iron, Sulfur and other chemicals that are with in the cave. Regardless of the harsh conditions according to researchers have said that the organisms are still currently active even though they have been there for ten and thousands of years. According to Penelope and her team these micro organisms are genetically distinct from anything on earth, but they have similar to microbes found in caves and volcanic terrain.