I am a student at the the University of Dayton. I may be updating the University's wikipedia page with accurate, neutral information. I will follow the Wikipedia:College guidelines.
I wrote the thing below when I was in high school years old. What a dork Michael Chase Jr (talk) 12:10, 10 June 2019 (UTC).
I'm mikechase3. I wonder if you can guess what my real name is? I live in Brecksville, OH, I play piano & drumset, I love working with computers, and I especially love wikipedia. In fact, if I didn't have wikipedia, I probably would have a lower GPA right now, because the thing about wikipedia is that everyone can edit it (well... besides protected pages). Right now, I'm 15, but I'm now trying to go beyond just learning about using the computer. I'm trying to dig a little deeper. Thanks to codecademy, I'm proficient in HTML and CSS. I'm also dipping my feet into the linux terminal using a super awesome book that I just forgot the title of. At Walsh Jesuit High School, work is eating up most of my time, but I still make some for other things. For example, I should be studying for my midterm right now (It's the night before 2 big tests), but that's not going to stop me from taking this cool little wikipedia space adventure. I'll come back to editing this later. I have a basic website that I haven't really worked on yet though too.