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User:ProfGray/312/Lesson plan week 5

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Lesson plan: Week 5. Religions of the Hebrew Bible. Return to the course page


Reading for today[edit]
  • Exodus skim chapters 1-4 (incl. Zipporah), (*5-12:28), 12:29-14 (exodus), 16:1-36 (manna and murmur), 17:8-16 (Amalek), 18:1-12 (Jethro)
  • Coogan. Ch. 7: 94f. (intro). Box 7.3 (Y name), *100ff. and *Box 7.5 (Passover). 105-108, 110-112 (Exodus history and religions)
Objectives for today[edit]
  • Understand the narrative of the Book of Exodus
  • Review academic claims about the historicity of the exodus and key features of Israelite religion (theology and ritual).
Discussion of the readings[edit]
  • HB. Understand the role, message(s), and import (for Israelite religion) of the Book of Exodus esp. chapters 1-15  Done
  • Shift from Genesis.
  • Joseph, dream divination (not entrails).  Done
  • Exodus. Prologue. Slavery. (see annotations p.99)  Done
  • Biblical theology --> ritual
  • Horeb theophany. God's names. Invoking ancestors.  Done
  • Sources. Jethro and Reuel. Horeb and Sinai.  Done
  • Sources. J/E primarily but see below  Done
  • Relations between Israelites and Non-Israelites --> Egypt, Midian. Amalek.  Done
  • Coogan
  • Sources  Done
  • Passover. Oklahoma! style…  Done
  • History or legend?
  • Silence on both ends
  • Historical memory > 3 reasons  Done
  • Date: Biblical chronology (15th C)? Hyksos (16th C)? Amarna letters (14th C)  Done
  • Date: Merneptah stele  Done
  • What do the texts reveal about Israelite religion? (110ff.)
  • Shift in ANE pantheons. Babylon (Enuma Elish), Ugaritic (storm god Baal), Exodus 6:2-3 reports the shift  Done
  • Other Biblical narratives (111)  Done
  • Does the book of Exodus itself know about this pantheon shift? Source P at 6:2-14 with self-reflective shift! (Box 7:3)  Done
Wife-sister narratives[edit]
  • Wife-sister exercise (for weeks 4-5). Everyone should have a proposed edit on the article Talk page, based on a paraphrase of an academic source
  • Team discussion of points from articles and allocate peer review (tell HG)
  • Thinking about the WP article


JSB biblical passages

  • Manna, Amalek, Jethro (last class)  Done

This is the syllabus schedule due today:

  • Deut. chs. 4:44-49. 5; 6; 27-30. Note: 5:5 (p.356), 5:7, and 5:19 annotations.  Not done
  • Coogan. Ch.12, skim (read 181-184 Deut. Code)  Not done

Quick review of BRE

  • Exodus historicity and dating  Done
  • Theology shift  Done

Wikipedia issues from worksheet & BRE  Not done

  • Sandboxes
Covenant in Coogan and JSB[edit]
  • Covenants include: Noah, Abraham, Israel  Done
  • Parity vs suzerainty (118)  Done
  • Elements of the treaty form  Done
  1. Identification at Exodus 20:2  Done
  2. History, ditto  Done
  3. Stipulations, see Covenant code (chs.20-23)  Done
  4. Copies of the covenant  Done
  5. Witnesses ?  Done
  6. Blessings and curses
  7. Meal to seal the deal (p.125, Exodus 24:11) -- see Ratification!  Done
  • Promissory covenant -- which covenant?! (Coogan p.122)  Done
  • Why do they "cut" a covenant?  Done
  • The decalogue
  • Treaty form  Done
  • Meaning. Relationship. Monotheistic? Image and name.  Not done
Wife-sister narratives article[edit]

Discuss the subtopic of all student contributions of the scholarship

  • Which are connected, perhaps because they agree, disagree, or cover a similar subtopic?  Done
  • What order should these contributions be placed in the article?

Re-order during class time, time-permitting  Not done

Next week March 2-4[edit]

Remember that optional items are marked *

  • See syllabus schedule for Coogan pages (Niihka > Syllabus)
  • For Monday, read Mendenhall and for Wednesday, read Weinfeld.
  • Mendenhall 70-75 assumes basic sense of Israelite history, skim and do not fret!
  • Key terms: amphictyony (p.62 Mendenhall), Decalogue, Hittite, (stipulation), suzerainty, vassal

Assignment, see: User:ProfGray/Exercise Write Paragraphs