Proboscidea-Rubber is the 15th volume of an arbitrary paper encyclopedia.

I try keep an organized public record of past and planned work here.
Past Work:
- Adding clarity and information to the section on Alan Turing's work in mathematical biology.
- Adding information on enumeration to the article on Abstract Simplicial Complexes and fixing ambiguities which have caused confusion in my research.
- Created page on mathematical biologist Trachette Jackson. My next steps should be to track down a public domain image.
- Brought the list of Anita Borg Institute Women of Vision Award winners up to date through 2014. I'm not quite sure what is going on with the 2015 awards, since the number and titles of the awards seem to have changed but the change does not seem to have been announced anywhere .
- Expanding page on neuroscientist Ricardo Miledi.
- Added a figure to Contractible space
- Added photographs to Ribes californicum, pH Indicator, Mosonmagyarovar
- Fully rewrote Elliptic PDE
- Moving JMM 2016 from present to past, adding a reference section to that page.
- Created the article Cech complex. It could use some expansion.
Future work (I will not object if anyone else chooses to take on these projects for me!):
- The section on the middle ages in History of neuroscience is small. There's a lot of fascinating, high quality information on this out there that I'd like to add in.
- Universal approximation theorem
- No proof on Tietze extension theorem
- No proof on Reisz representation theorem
- Isthmus of Suez at very least needs a map
- Adinkra symbols (physics)
- Wedge of circles doesn't exist. Should it?
- Age structured population
- Riesz representation theorem is currently a weird hybrid between a disambiguation page and a page on the hilbert space representation theorem. Consider making an actual disambiguation page, and moving the current page to hilbert space representation theorem
- Topological combinatorics could use some serious help. I plan to fix a few very vague statements and incorporate references into the bulk of the text.
- Toric ideal redirects to Monomial ideal, which is not really correct, and the monomial ideal page isn't very good
- Biological neuron model is a mess.
- Polyhedral fan doesn't seem to exist (though several other pages would redirect to it if it did).
- Spectrahedron is a stub
- There's no article specifically on the connectome of c. elegans, though there are pages on OpenWorm and on C elegans more broadly. There probably should be one.
- Takeo Nakasawa Great source:
- Speed cells
PDEs final project:
I'm keeping a list of wiki pages relating to partial differential equations which are kind of sad, and will be cleaning them up and adding more information to a subset of them as a final project. Here is the list as it stands:
- Method of images needs an example.
- expanding The Chemical Basis of Morphogenesis
- Finite element method is currently flagged as too technical. If I find time to learn about it on my own, I may try to add simple explanations to the existing material.
- Hyperbolic partial differential equation, Elliptic partial differential equation, and Parabolic partial differential equation all need help. Elliptic partial differential equation, in particular, could be greatly expanded.
- Derive solutions to the Euler–Tricomi equation