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Thiya / Thiyya / Thiyyar / Thiyyas Of North Malabar =


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Origin of Thiyyas is subject of many speculations and legends. I am not aware of any systematic and scientific study done. One legend prevalent is about the connection to Srilanka . Around 6 / 7 century The Buddhists had established a flourishing Monastery in a secure Island, which later on came to be known as Dharmadom , the place of dharma, near the present-day Thallasserry. In This area and in North Malabar the beggars are still addressed as ‘Bhishakar” & “Dharamakar”, probably the Buddhist Monks daily routine of going around for alms must have let this imprint. The present day “Andalur Kavu” was supposed to be a Buddhist Monastery. Vestiges of this culture can still be seen when they conduct the Annual festivals!! The legend goes on to say that a Sinhalese king was overthrown by his brother and he with a retinue sailed to this Island and took sanctuary. When the news of the Sinhalese king’s arrival reached the ruler of the land [Chirakal Raja?] he sent his emissaries and made all arrangements for his comfortable stay across the river. There was a head village surrounded by smaller hamlets-“Thala” head and “Cheri” village later on became “Thalasseri”. The King later on the story narrates got back his kingdom and returned to his country. Some in his retinue preferred to stay back. The Thiyyas are supposed to be the descendants of these people from “Tivu” [Island] – “TIVU ARS”=Thiyyar.??? The Buddhists were all well versed in self defense [Karate and Kung Fu were the gift to China by the Buddhist monks] and Ayurveda Medicine. Among North Malabar Thiyyas you will find many good Ayurveda doctors and people proficient in “Kalari Payattu”. Even Swami Ayyappan is supposed to have learned “Kalari “ from a Gurukal from North.?. Does this strengthen the legend of Srilankan origin of Thiyyas? .It is point for thought. In North Malabar ages ago “Vellappam’, ‘Nool Puttu” were popular dishes. You can find these in SriLanka also. What about Ezhavas of South Kerala?. During the centuries before BC many wars were fought between Southern India and Northern Srilanka .During the centuries there were many migratory settlements from Northern part of Srilanka in southern India. They must be the people from “Elam”[Srilanka’s other name].The complexion, culture[they follow Makathayam] and features are very different. The Thiyyas follow “Marumakkathayam “ and are in the northern area of “KoraPuzha”. I would like to insert a quote “, the Thiyyas of North Malabar are socially integrated with the rest of the country and have migrated far and wide, resulting in inter caste and inter region marriages .Many of them have fairer skins and different features from others in Malabar but the linkage to Greeks[Cretes and others]can at best be tenuous and perhaps irrelevant now. But this is the stuff of romantic tales and the legend I am sure will keep surfacing at cocktail circuits and around bonfires for generations to come”=With best wishes -premnathtm