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User:Power Box

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A yoshi lover's tale


I'm known online as Power_Box. Call me PB. If you're here, you've probably seen the Yoshi's Story article... and the many edits the big debates about it that went on behind the scenes. Here I'll tell you from my point of view what I do and why I do it.

I continue to keep an eye on an article and, once in a while, make an edit here and there for one good reason: I play Yoshi's Story. And every time I do, I can't see those negatives that everyone else seems to talk about at all. I think I was around 14 years old when I finally got the chance to rent the game. Yoshi's my favorite character PERIOD, but according to the critics this wasn't a good game for him at all... I was a bit scared as to what would happen when I turned the power on. But I gathered my courage and started it up all the same. And then I was baffled. This game was really cute, really unique, really fun, and (mainly if you love yoshi(s)) extremelly moving! And the music and sounds that the critcs absolutely despised were some of the best things I ever heard in my life!! I was crying with happiness at the end! Few games do that to me. How could the critics diss a game as amazing as this one...?!

After I returned the rental (I'd buy a used copy later) I was convinced of it: that game got a Player's Choice award because it DESERVED it! I later got into the weird habit of scouring the net in a crazy search to find my proof. Critic reviews, User reviews, comments to reviews, comments to videos showing a playthrough of one of the game's levels, comments to the music, etc. I wanted to hear what the world said about the game. A lot of people said they loved it and a lot of people said they hated it. Almost every review site had a user rating avarage of 7.5. Though it was no Yoshi's Island, the world was generally pleased with it and accepted it in the end.

Then I noticed the wiki article about a year ago. EliotAndrews's version. Whenever I typed "Yoshi's Story" on google, the wiki article was one of the first things, if not THE first thing to come up. And all it seemed to talk about were the negatives. A lot of people including me count heavily on Wiki for information these days. I was scared about joining Wiki in the past, But if people looked up the Yoshi's Story article while Andrews's version stood... I couldn't stand by. So about a year ago I decided to finally bite the bullet and join in.

You probably know the rest of the story here. My very first edits sucked, I worked together with/was tutored a bit by Nijon and Eliot, Punctured appeared and did some nasty erase work, etc. And after a long while in which I did a lot of thinking, I decided to take matters into my own hands.

So yeah. That's the general idea of what motivates me to do what I do. I'd like to take a moment here to apoligize deeply to EliotAndrews, Nijon76, andanyone else who worked with them on their article long ago. I don't like the idea of editing your hard work like this, especially after what PuncturedBicycle and the others said and did. After all, we did work together on it for a bit. But I really feel I've got no choice here. Again, please forgive me.