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User:Poly zz/Polymer derived ceramics/Bibliography

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In general, Source 1, 2, 3 focus on the synthesis, modification and fabrication of polymer derived ceramics (PDCs), while Source 4 and 5 highlight the properties and applications of PDCs and PDC composites.

  • Source 1   Mol. Syst. Des. Eng., 2020, 5, 1606-1641.  https://doi.org/10.1039/D0ME00123F[1] ·      This paper reviewed recent studies about structures, syntheses, and mechanical properties of PDCs. It gives an overview from how PDC nano- and microstructures are designed to how theses design parameters affect mechanical properties and applications.
  • Source 2   J. Mater. Chem. A, 2019,7, 1936-1963. https://doi.org/10.1039/C8TA09054H[2] ·      This review covered the processing methods, advantages and disadvantages of PDC coating, which represents one of the most simple and effective techniques for preparing ceramic materials with diverse properties and functions.
  • Source 3   Coordination Chemistry Reviews, 422, 2020, 213486.  https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ccr.2020.213486[3] ·      This review presented recent progress on 3D printing of PDCs. The innovative assembly between 3D printing technology and PDC materials enabled the design, modification and fabrication of PDCs from macroscale to nanoscale.
  • Source 4   J Biomed Mater Res. 2021, 109B, 744- 764.  https://doi.org/10.1002/jbm.b.34740[4] ·      This paper concluded research about biomedical applications of PDCs in recent ten years. Both biological and medical engineering applications of PDCs and PDC-based composites are covered.
  • Source 5   Mater. Res. Express, 2018, 5, 062003.  https://doi.org/10.1088/2053-1591/aacd28[5] ·      This review comprehensively discussed a wide range of functions and applications of PDCs and PDC composites in biological, electrical, magnetic and optical fields.


  1. ^ Barrios, Elizabeth; Zhai, Lei (2020-12-14). "A review of the evolution of the nanostructure of SiCN and SiOC polymer derived ceramics and the impact on mechanical properties". Molecular Systems Design & Engineering. 5 (10): 1606–1641. doi:10.1039/D0ME00123F. ISSN 2058-9689.
  2. ^ Barroso, Gilvan; Li, Quan; Bordia, Rajendra K.; Motz, Günter (2019-01-29). "Polymeric and ceramic silicon-based coatings – a review". Journal of Materials Chemistry A. 7 (5): 1936–1963. doi:10.1039/C8TA09054H. ISSN 2050-7496.
  3. ^ "Molecule editable 3D printed polymer-derived ceramics". Coordination Chemistry Reviews. 422: 213486. 2020-11-01. doi:10.1016/j.ccr.2020.213486. ISSN 0010-8545.
  4. ^ Francis, Adel (2021). "Biological evaluation of preceramic organosilicon polymers for various healthcare and biomedical engineering applications: A review". Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part B: Applied Biomaterials. 109 (5): 744–764. doi:10.1002/jbm.b.34740. ISSN 1552-4981.
  5. ^ Francis, A (2018-06-29). "Progress in polymer-derived functional silicon-based ceramic composites for biomedical and engineering applications". Materials Research Express. 5 (6): 062003. doi:10.1088/2053-1591/aacd28. ISSN 2053-1591.