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User:Pleusm/Three prime untranslated region proposal

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Project Proposal


3’ UTR

  • The current Wikipedia page has a basic definition, mentions regulation with the polyA tail, and describes some regulatory sequences. These include a polyA signal, binding sites for proteins, and binding sites for micoRNAs. It has around 3 short paragraphs. This information will help us start, and we will expand upon it.
  • The talk page requested a clear, general definition at the beginning for someone who knows nothing about 3’ utr’s
  • history: when was it discovered? What did previous scientists think of its function?
  • physical: how the mechanism works (looping), how long the 3’ UTR is in different organisms, any patterns within it?
  • most common UTRs
  • types of regulation of 3’utr in different organisms
  • example: progenitors, 3’ UTRs inhibit the production of meiotic and oocyte proteins by post-transcriptional mechanisms involving two classes of RNA-binding proteins
  • microRNA regulation and polyA tail signal, relating to 3’ UTR and translational regulation– this is already mentioned in the wiki page
  • example study: human single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) on both seed target region and the rest of 3′UTRs of miRNA target genes were under significantly stronger negative selection, when compared to non-miRNA target genes.
  • biology techniques used to study it in the past
  • effects of mutations
  • future research

Dividing up the work:

  • Bryce: biology techniques, future research, effects of mutations
  • Michael: history, physical characteristics, most common UTRs, general definition
  • Michelle: microRNA and poly (A) tail regulation of translation
