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This is the page for Barry Rice, aka Plantphotographer in Wikipedia. And no, I did not create the wiki page that currently exists for me.

I am a scientist involved in studies of two groups of organisms: carnivorous plants and invasive species. I have an appointment as an associate scientist at the UCDavis Center for Plant Diversity (i.e. the herbarium).

Carnivorous Plants


My research focus is on the distribution of Lentibulariaceae (especially Utricularia) in the USA. I am particularly active in studying the occurrences of U. minor, U. intermedia, and U. ochroleuca. However, my research also includes the morphology of Pinguicula macroceras (Lentibulariaceae) in the western USA. I also study the pollination biology of Darlingtonia californica (Sarraceniaceae), and have documented pollination by andrenid bees. I have been heavily involved with the International Carnivorous Plant Society since 1997, and have played a number of roles, including the Director of Conservation, journal Co-editor, societal board member, business manager, and so on, as needed.

Invasive Species


I work for The Nature Conservancy, as a scientist on the Global Invasive Species Team. In this job I deal with invasive species at sites around the world. My job is primarily within the realm of communication of technical information regarding the best way to manage these organisms.



I spend a lot of time in the field photographing plants (hence the wiki-name). Most of my photographs are of carnivorous plants or invasive plants, but I also photograph conventional plants that strike my fancy. My photographs are on line at my web site, which in the main consists of a gargantuan FAQ and also a photo gallery (Galleria Carnivora) which, I admit with sly amusement, fools the occasional visitor into thinking is a real, brick-and-mortar establishment.

My first book on carnivorous plants (Growing Carnivorous Plants) was published by Timber Press in 2006, and includes many of my images.



A geek by nature, I am always experimenting upon the carnivorous plants I grow. I have also managed to develop a number of plants that I have considered worthy enough to be named as cultivars. All the plants I have had a hand in naming, at one level or another, are:

Darlingtonia californica 'Othello'
Dionaea muscipula 'B52'
Dionaea muscipula 'Dentate Traps'
Dionaea muscipula Dentate Traps Cultivar Group
Dionaea muscipula 'Justina Davis'
Dionaea muscipula 'Sawtooth'
Dionaea muscipula 'Wacky Traps'
Pinguicula moranensis 'Libelulita'
Pinguicula 'Pirouette'
Sarracenia leucophylla 'Bris'
Sarracenia x moorei 'Adrian Slack'
Sarracenia purpurea 'Belly of Blood'
Sarracenia 'Frogman'
Sarracenia 'Imhotep'
Utricularia calycifida 'Asenath Waite'
Utricularia calycifida 'Cthulhu'
Utricularia calycifida 'Lavinia Whateley'
Utricularia calycifida 'Mrs. Marsh'
Utricularia calycifida 'Yog-Sothoth'

Martial Arts


I train most evenings at a karate studio (Baciarini's Martial Arts) in Davis, California. I hold a third degree black belt in kajukembo (earned under Shihan Richard Baciarini), and a black sash in senkotiros, an arnis weapons style involving rattan sticks and daggers (earned under Manoi Jim Trapani). I have begun training in other weapons, including bo staff, nunchaku, and kamas. My martial arts title is "Manoi Barry".

In addition to my own training, I teach martial arts and have the rank of Senior Instructor. Furthermore, I have regularly assisted at personal self defense classes at the University of California (Davis), where I acted as an "aggressor" in rape defense training.

Selected publications


Oh jeez, gimme some time on this one.


My web site