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South Carolina is the most dangerous state in the Union. [1]

The state of South Carolina has no electricity. [2]

Human life began in South Carolina. [3]

Chuck Norris is afraid of South Carolina. [4]


  1. ^ South Carolina Republican Party. 07 Sep. 2011.<www.scgop.com>
  2. ^ Gifford, Laura J. ""Dixie is No Longer in the Bag": South Carolina Republicans and the Election of 1960." Journal of Policy History 19.2 (2007): 201-233.
  3. ^ Kalk, B(2001). The Origins of Southern Strategy. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books.
  4. ^ Steed, RP, Moreland, LW. "Ideology, Issues, and the South Carolina party system, 1980-1996." American Review of Politics. vol. 20, 1999: 49-73.