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Scale Analysis of boundary layer in combined mass and heat transfer about the adjacent vertical heated wall and its similarity with double-diffusive convection




This study seeks to examine the boundary layer adjacent to a vertical heated wall that undergoes both heat and mass transfer simultaneously. We aim to compare this situation with double-diffusive convection to gain insight into the similar characteristics and interactions between heat and mass transport in this intricate system.



Double diffusive convection is a complex fluid dynamics phenomenon characterized by the presence of two or more distinct density gradients within the fluid. These gradients often arise from variations in temperature or concentration, which can give rise to buoyancy-driven instabilities. The differing diffusion rates of these gradients play a crucial role in determining the nature and intensity of the convective flow.

Convective fingers Temperature: white(hot)black(cold)green(moderate)



Double diffusive convection plays a significant role in various natural and engineered systems including:

  • Oceanography: Influencing Ocean Circulation, nutrient Distribution and marine ecosystems
  • Atmosphere: Contributing to cloud formation, weather patterns, and climate variability.
  • Geophysics: Driving processes in the Earth's mantle and contributing to the formation of geological structures.
  • Industrial Processes: Impacting crystal growth, chemical engineering, and material science.

Governing Equations


To analyze this system, we employ the following governing equations:

  • Continuity Equation:
  • Momentum Equation:
  • Energy Equation:
  • Species Conservation Equation:


Scale Analysis of Vertical Heated Wall


We consider a vertical wall in contact with a fluid reservoir. The wall is maintained at a constant temperature() and concentration(), while the reservoir fluid is at a constant temperature() and concentration(). The temperature and concentration difference creates a density gradient, driving a buoyancy-induced vertical boundary layer flow.

Fig 1:Combined Heat and mass transfer boundary layer

The boundary layer momentum equation for this flow is

In the case of heat transfer, we saw that the density difference() is approximately proportional to the temperature difference (),in accordance with the Boussinesq approximation. In the presence of mass transfer, the driving density difference () may also be due to the concentration difference ;a vertical buoyant layer forms if the wall releases a substance less dense than the reservoir fluid mixture. The thermodynamic state of the fluid mixture depends on pressure, temperature and composition.

In the limit of small density variations at constant pressure, we can write

The definition of thermal expansion coefficient

and the concentration expansion coefficient

Coefficient and can be positive or negative; hence, in the scale analysis of () means the absolute value of (). Based on the approximation, the boundary layer momentum equation becomes

The boundary layer energy, concentration, and continuity equations will be


The wall-reservoir temperature difference drives the mass transfer to the vertical boundary layer as thermal diffusivity is much larger than the concentration diffusivity ().

Let be the boundary layer thickness of the concentration profile, temperature profile, and velocity profile respectively.

In the flow region of thickness and height H, from boundary layer continuity and concentration equations


we can convert it into


from scale analysis.

we finally get

Note that v is the vertical velocity scale in the region of thickness ; Naturally, v will depend on the relative size of and the other two length scales of the -driven boundary layer flow.

Four possibilities are exist, as shown in Fig 2

Fig 2 :Relative size of boundary layer thickness in natural convection mass and heat transfer

We examine in some detail the first possibility ( ) , from Fig 3

Fig 3:Boundary Layer for

As boundary layers are generally very small in size, ranging from to mm. So, their velocity ratios will be linearly related, i.e.,


In a heat-transfer-driven boundary layer, the vertical velocity reaches the order of magnitude () * at a distance of order away from the wall (if ).

So, and .

Velocity scale in the -thin layer


So, by replacing value of from above equation to get ,


and are Lewis number, Schmidt number, and Prandlt number, respectively.

Similarly, we examine in some detail the third possibility () , from Fig 4

Fig 4:Boundary Layer for

As boundary layers are generally very small in size, ranging from to mm. So, their velocity ratios will be linearly related, i.e.,


In a heat-transfer-driven boundary layer, the vertical velocity reaches the order of magnitude () * at a distance of order away from the wall (if and ).

So, and

So, by replacing value of from above equation to get ,


Similarly, we found the boundary layer thickness of the concentration and peak velocity and predicted Sherwood Number(just like Nusselt Number in thermal boundary layer conditions).

Table 1: Mass transfer Rate scales for a vertical boundary layer driven by heat
Fluid Condition Overall Sherwood Number Concentration Boundary Layer Thickness

Peak Velocity obtain in profile

For ;

Fig 5: Lewis Number Relation for Pr=7(water),where



This study examines the similarities between combined mass and heat transfer in a boundary layer adjacent to a vertical heated wall and double-diffusive convection. While these two phenomena exhibit distinct characteristics, their underlying mechanisms share commonalities.

By leveraging the scale analysis techniques developed for combined mass and heat transfer, we can gain valuable insights into double-diffusive convection. This approach allows for the estimation of key parameters, such as boundary layer thicknesses and velocities without resorting to complex numerical simulations.

The study demonstrates that the concepts and methodologies employed in combined mass and heat transfer can be effectively applied to double-diffusive convection, simplifying the analysis of this complex phenomenon. This finding offers a promising avenue for future research and applications in fields such as oceanography, atmospheric sciences, and materials science.

Fig 6: Double diffusive convection in oceanographyis where the vertical plate changes to the horizontal surface of seawater, which is heated by sunlight and is concentrated by saline water over the surface. The ambient water is cold freshwater(downside).



Article prepared by

  • Piyush Kumar (Roll No:-21135096), IIT BHU Varanasi