Welcome! Please help recognise the below exotic gaits. I'll provide a separate gallery for different breeds, for clarity. Please edit directly if you recognise a gait. I'll keep identified pics around for a while so others can see if anything's disputable.
- Saddlebreds
Tort, he's really cookin' too (too fast) - the gal is doing a victory lap and pushing him a bit past his best balance and cadence
Trotting, cranky about it, his back hurts
Poor rider, trotting horse, not doing very well
[trot?] Yes, fairly decent, balanced one too.
Trot, kind of slow, probably mid-sequence shot
I think this horse is in a strung-out trot on the verge of losing gait rhythm and breaking into a canter. Flawed form. Pretty horse.
Trot but rather an odd and strung-out one for a Saddlebred, looks like the gal was just boogieing out of the class after winning it
is this a conformation class or a conformation check for an under saddle class or a health check for such? Answer: Conformation check for under saddle class.. note sweat marks and Saddle seat saddle laying on ground nearby.