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ROGER BOSCHMAN, A.S.E. is a U.S. qualified Sex Educator, Lecturer, Writer and Couples Therapist.

From 1981, he studied and practiced Oriental techniques related to control of male orgasm and has been teaching and counseling for many years. A graduate of the Institute for Advanced Study of Human Sexuality (IASHS), he had undertaken courses and lectures related to the Sexual Attitude Restructuring Guide, fantasies, anatomy and physiology of the sexual response cycle, masturbation, heterosexuality, bisexuality, male homosexuality, lesbianism, sex for the disabled, AIDS prevention, surrogate therapy, the History of Sexology, Developmental Sexology, incest and paraphilia (fetishes). He received his certification in September 1998.

Affectionately known as the "Reverend Sex," Boschman says: "Sex is God's greatest worldly gift to ankind, but most people are not enjoying it. Everyone deserves sexual fulfilment, but few are getting it."

Since 1990, Mr. Boschman has served on a well-known Hong Kong suicide hotline, handling all types of despair. He is an Executive Committee Member of the Hong Kong Sex Education Association (HKSEA) whom he assisted with publicity for the 14th World Congress of Sexology, which was held in Hong Kong in August 1999. He is also a member of the Psychotherapy Society of Hong Kong, and The Family Planning Association of Hong Kong.

Since January 1999, he has conducted a Sex Advice Q&A column in the well-known Hong Kong monthly magazine, Mens' Machines.